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Aging and Changing

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Feb 29 9:09am | Replies (62)

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@parus @lioness @grandmar @hopeful33250 Each day we have the opportunity to create ourselves. There is a purpose to our lives, even on the day we don't feel like there is. Chronic forgetfulness? Sure, it is there to let us invent ourselves again [that's my story and I'm sticking to it!] The aging process can be a blessing and a curse. How grateful to be alive to feel old! How grateful to feel! Do I recall or mourn the days when stamina seemed endless, well, sometimes. But each day now is more thoughtful, more purposefully spent, as I have accepted that we all have an unknown-to-us expiration date. My goal is to do my best each day, don't compare myself to others, be kind to myself and others, and make a difference.

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Replies to "@parus @lioness @grandmar @hopeful33250 Each day we have the opportunity to create ourselves. There is a..."

@ginger thanks ginger well said you lifted my spirits

You must have been a writer and a therapist in one of you lives, if not this one.
I don't know how old you are, but I want to be like you when I grow up (lol...I'm 63).
You are the single most positive person I have read.
There are certainly many in the many groups, but for some reason, I feel like you are looking into my soul and answering the questions I think about (especially when my pain and health....are a pain).
Thank you for posting!!!