~ cat scratch disease??? ~

Posted by Barb @amberpep, Oct 11, 2018

About 10 days ago I took one of my cats to the Vet ... he hates to be put in a crate and he's huge - 18 lb. I "burrito" him, but he often wiggles out. This time when he wiggled out he scratched me in 3 places, one on my forearm, one on my leg, and one on my left upper arm. I didn't think too much of it. Then a few days later there was what looked like a small pimple on the one on my upper arm, so I cleaned it out, and it bled and bled. I got it stopped, cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and then antibiotic ointment, covered it well with a bandage overnight. Next morning it looked like a blood blister. I tried cleaning it with alcohol, and again it opened and bled and bled. I got it stopped and again went through the same routine, using alcohol, antibiotic ointment and a bandage. Next day, it was back again. This went on for several days til I stopped trying to clean it out, just patted it with alcohol, antibiotic ointment and a bandage. Then I tried to let it air out over night, but it still looks the same. It's like a 1/8"+ size blood bump, and the area around it, about 1/4 ring is somewhat red. What does this sound like to you all? I'm thinking of going to the doctor tomorrow, but he's always full, so I'll go to one of those Med. Express places, but you have to pay up front there for the whole thing. Please, anyone .... any ideas what this is and could I cure it on my own?
Thanks much,

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@amberpep I am so happy to hear that you went to dr! cat scractches are not to wait and see...


Hi all ....The doctor Rx-d Doxycycline and something called Clindamycin. I've used the Doxy many times and never had any trouble, but never had the other one. The first thing I noticed after I took the first Clindamycin I had the worst heartburn I've ever had ... I never get that. I was actually drinking Pepto Bismol right out of the bottle, and I was also very nauseated. I used it for one day (4 capsules) and same thing. I used the Doxy and finished that, but not the other. Yesterday I called her and left a message and asked her to please call me back. I have not heard anything yet, so I'm sure she's busy. When I took a shower yesterday, a scab type thing came off, and it bled and now this AM it looks just like it did originally, nasty. I don't know what to do about Shadow. I sure don't want to go through this again, and he's so big that he's impossible to get in the crate. I wrap him like a burrito, but he's so strong I can't keep him in it. H E L P .... anyone!


Hi all ....The doctor Rx-d Doxycycline and something called Clindamycin. I've used the Doxy many times and never had any trouble, but never had the other one. The first thing I noticed after I took the first Clindamycin I had the worst heartburn I've ever had ... I never get that. I was actually drinking Pepto Bismol right out of the bottle, and I was also very nauseated. I used it for one day (4 capsules) and same thing. I used the Doxy and finished that, but not the other. Yesterday I called her and left a message and asked her to please call me back. I have not heard anything yet, so I'm sure she's busy. When I took a shower yesterday, a scab type thing came off, and it bled and now this AM it looks just like it did originally, nasty. I don't know what to do about Shadow. I sure don't want to go through this again, and he's so big that he's impossible to get in the crate. I wrap him like a burrito, but he's so strong I can't keep him in it. H E L P .... anyone!

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Hi Abby @amberprep, do they have any urgent care locations near you? What are you trying to do with Shadow - just get him in a pet crate? I have a large cat that I've always had trouble getting him in the crates with front doors/latches so I bought a soft crate that can load from the top and has a zippered lid as well as a front opening with a zipper. I found it easier to drop him in rather than trying to stuff him in the front door of the crate. The other option is keep their claws trimmed so they don't have the really sharp points that dig into you.


Hi Abby @amberprep, do they have any urgent care locations near you? What are you trying to do with Shadow - just get him in a pet crate? I have a large cat that I've always had trouble getting him in the crates with front doors/latches so I bought a soft crate that can load from the top and has a zippered lid as well as a front opening with a zipper. I found it easier to drop him in rather than trying to stuff him in the front door of the crate. The other option is keep their claws trimmed so they don't have the really sharp points that dig into you.

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@amberpep - my daughter had har cat 'de-clawed', but then it becomes an always in-door cat as it has no defense when it goes outside. agree with John - go to urgent care...today.


Hi all ....The doctor Rx-d Doxycycline and something called Clindamycin. I've used the Doxy many times and never had any trouble, but never had the other one. The first thing I noticed after I took the first Clindamycin I had the worst heartburn I've ever had ... I never get that. I was actually drinking Pepto Bismol right out of the bottle, and I was also very nauseated. I used it for one day (4 capsules) and same thing. I used the Doxy and finished that, but not the other. Yesterday I called her and left a message and asked her to please call me back. I have not heard anything yet, so I'm sure she's busy. When I took a shower yesterday, a scab type thing came off, and it bled and now this AM it looks just like it did originally, nasty. I don't know what to do about Shadow. I sure don't want to go through this again, and he's so big that he's impossible to get in the crate. I wrap him like a burrito, but he's so strong I can't keep him in it. H E L P .... anyone!

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It appears you are on 2 different antibiotics and that alone can be hard on the stomach, plus you are dealing with symptoms of your Cat Scratch Fever. I am allergic to sulfa based antibiotics so understand reacting to some classes of antibiotics and not to others, although the Doxy is fine for me and can help with Perioral Eczema or Rosacea. I also use a topical form of Clindamycin Phosphate 1% solution if my scabs from eczema have broken though. I have never taken it orally. This topical antibiotic has kept me from ever having the erupted eczema get infected. Perhaps you can ask your doctor if this could be helpful at your scratch site. Yet if your entire body is affected by a diseased reaction from your scratch, not just the local site I understand why you may need oral antibiotics.

Consider getting a pair of of welding gloves or long leather gloves that go midway up the forearm used for rose pruning, I have a pair and they have saved my arms. if you need to put your cat in a crate put these on. Also consider placing a treat in the crate like a sardine or catnip. Let the cat smell these goodies for a while then try putting her in.

In the old days before new treatments for fleas our only options were flea powder and flea shampoo. I have had calm wonderful cats I could put in the sink and they tolerated bathing, perhaps recognizing it was for their own good. One very nasty cat I detested for multiple reasons hated bathing. I could not handle her alone, so my husband put on his welding gloves and would hold her while I bathed her. No more bites or scratches on his arms. This nasty cat was always angry, screaming and demanding and loved to hunt at night. One day I had had it and decided when she got back the next morning I was taking her to the pound. She never came back. I do believe cats have a 6th sense.


Hi all ....The doctor Rx-d Doxycycline and something called Clindamycin. I've used the Doxy many times and never had any trouble, but never had the other one. The first thing I noticed after I took the first Clindamycin I had the worst heartburn I've ever had ... I never get that. I was actually drinking Pepto Bismol right out of the bottle, and I was also very nauseated. I used it for one day (4 capsules) and same thing. I used the Doxy and finished that, but not the other. Yesterday I called her and left a message and asked her to please call me back. I have not heard anything yet, so I'm sure she's busy. When I took a shower yesterday, a scab type thing came off, and it bled and now this AM it looks just like it did originally, nasty. I don't know what to do about Shadow. I sure don't want to go through this again, and he's so big that he's impossible to get in the crate. I wrap him like a burrito, but he's so strong I can't keep him in it. H E L P .... anyone!

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Hi Abby,
As it has been a while since you last posted, I've been wondering how you are recovering from the cat scratch fever. I hope you are feeling better now.
I would love to hear from you again. Will you post again when you have the opportunity?


Hi @amberpep. Those symptoms sound awful and very confusing. It’s great that you have decided to go to the doctor for further examination. I see in other posts you have made that you believe this to be cat scratch fever.

Here is some more information on cat scratch fever or cat scratch disease that I thought you may find interesting:

@jenkie and @jlfisher56 both have experience with cat scratch fever and may be able to help you figure out what this is.

Have you had a chance to go to the doctor or MedExpress yet? What did you find out?

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Wow Ethan .... that's it. It has finally healed, but I know if it opened it would bleed. But, it's healed over enough so it doesn't easily open. It was nasty .... I couldn't believe so much blood could come from such a small hole on my arm. But, I did have a headache, was tired all the time. I went to the clinic near me - not my own doctor as he was full - she looked at it and went "hmmmmm" .... then she slightly pinched it and blood all down my arm again! She.He asked me if I had leukemia! I told her no and again what happened. She just sort of blew me off and said, well, it'll go away in time. Well, gee, that was helpful. abby


Thanks gardenjunkie .... I love the glove idea .... I'll get myself a pair! abby


I had two cats …. a small white one, and a huge black one. He was the sweetest cat, but whenever I tried to put him in the crate to take him to the Vet, he put up a real fuss. I'd wrap him like a burrito, but with his size he always wiggled out. Well, the last time, one of his hind nails dug into my upper forearm really deep. I got him in but it was bleeding like crazy. Finally I wrapped it tightly in some towels, laid down and put my arm up in the air. It slowed down, but continued to bleed, just not as much. I rewrapped it with a pile of square gauze pads and put surgical tape around it tightly. Finally it was just dribbling, so I cleaned it off with H2O2, and wow, did it bubble up. Then I covered it. Next morning when I showered, it started again. Again I had to cover it, using H2O2 and an antibiotic cream. Finally I went to the doctor and he confirmed that's what it was. He gave me 2 different antibiotics to take and said to keep it clean, covered and be sure not to rub it or it would bleed again. Everytime I took a shower, no matter how carefully I washed it, it would bleed …. not as much, but enough. Finally, after 2 full months, it is healed, but I have a scar there. So, be careful with those kitty claws …. they can really do damage.


Hi @amberpep you may have noticed I moved your post to your existing discussion on this topic so that all your posts on this topic will be in one place. That is so great you have finally healed! How have you been avoiding scratches since then?

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