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~ sadness ~

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Nov 2, 2018 | Replies (66)

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Well, last week I saw my new Psychiatrist - he's down here and not in MD. I'd heard he was good, so I researched everything I could about him, and it all sounded like a fit. It was, thank the Lord. He is a very kindly soul, and told me that he doesn't believe in over medicating patients, but that he does feel he needs to give them what they truly need. He said the meds I'm on right now are what he would have Rx-d, but he did make one change .... instead of 1 Lamictal a day, he has me taking 3. I think that's a good call because of the probable Bipolar 2. Today is the first day and I know it will take awhile to feel any difference, but I'm willing to wait as long as it works. I see him in 3 more weeks. And, he's getting me into a group, much like the one I was in in MD ... a conglomeration of patients with different situations, and basically they just share with each other their issues, and receive input. There is a group leader who also adds input ..... I am so much looking forward to that .... that group in MD helped me so much. It was amazing. We, all strangers, went into a room - about 12 of us or so, some with drug problems, some anxiety and depression, some Bipolar 1 and 2, one girl was just released from a private psychiatric institution, and another man was gay and married to a man. It was amazing ..... we all got in there, and out it all came .... no one was embarrassed, ashamed or anything about themselves. That went on for 4 weeks from 9-5. This one I'll be in is 4 weeks, 3 days a week from 9-12.

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Replies to "Well, last week I saw my new Psychiatrist - he's down here and not in MD...."


I'm so happy for you that you connected with your new doctor and that he impressed you as "a very kindly soul." You deserve nothing less! I'm also pleased that you can be part of a group again. That should really help solidify you and give you the extra support that you need just now (and I'm sensing that you will also give support to the others in that group, too).

When will your group start? Will it be once a week?

@amberpep I am so happy for you, it sounds like things are really looking up and you sound very positive. I am sure the group will help also. I hope you continue to let us know how things are going.

@amberpep So glad to hear things are looking up for you! Knowing you have someone more local to help guide you, and not having to make that long drive, may also make a difference. Group work can be very rewarding, and as already mentioned by @hopeful33250 , you will no doubt be a great asset to the other attendees. Please let us know how things go for you, and know we are here for you in the cyberworld.

I am so glad to hear you looking forward to events in your future! Keep going after the things that you know help you. I'm a believer in the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I hope your upward trend continues and you get what you need to keep that going. Give yourself some hugs from us.