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Tired of waking up at 2am..Sonata

Sleep Health | Last Active: Sep 10, 2023 | Replies (66)

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Hi there, jumping in late to this conversation but wanted to share what worked for me. I've had insomnia off and on for 15 years. Sometimes couldn't fall asleep, and for the last 6 years been waking up at 3am on the spot. Went to many doctors, blood work all normal. Tried benadryl for a couple of years but it's not real sleep and then report came out that benadryl and the like can eventually cause dementia. Years ago tried ambien, didn't work, and I'm glad because I wouldn't want to be on medication long term that doesn't address the actual cause (lots of experience watching my mom go down that slippery slope). I was desperate, my daily life was severely impacted by lack of sleep. My doctor told me there was "literally no other test to run" and I was at my wits end. Then, my chiropractor who also does functional medicine asked me about my hormones. I'm 43 now and not menopausal so I was surprised. A saliva test later and I had my answer! Estrogen was very high and progesterone was almost nonexistent! I couldn't stop smiling as we went over the results and felt so vindicated when he said "I don't know how you get out of bed every morning". I now take an herbal supplement to lower my estrogen and bioidentical progesterone. It's a moving target and fluctuates during the month so I still have some bad nights (like tonight) but overall I feel much better. So my recommendation is to ask for a hormone SALIVA test, as a blood test is only a snapshot and won't give you the whole picture. No matter what, be your own advocate for getting to the root cause of your issues. I hope you are feeling better and get answers soon!

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Replies to "Hi there, jumping in late to this conversation but wanted to share what worked for me...."

@tornadoaly, I have horrible anxiety and many sleepless nights. I have done bio identical pellets and felt great but insurance does not cover them and too expensive out of pocket. I want to know if progesterone makes you gain weight? Does it exist in bio identical form? Maybe I will give it a try.