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Neuropathy pain.

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 5, 2022 | Replies (46)

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I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy which I have had for approx 5 years. PN affects the soles of the feet and ankles and also the ends of the fingers, the worst and most common type of pain is a severe burning sensation as well as the numbness/loss of feeling.This disease is often suffered by people with Diabetes, however I am not diabetic and the cause was probably because I was addicted to the game of Golf and wearing $150 golf shoes instead of $250 shoes. ( On the course 4 times per week when I retired) Possibly commonly called "crush neuropathy" . Medication tried was brand named Lyrica which is Pregabalin, however the side effects were worse than the pain, dosage 50mg a.m. and 75mg p.m. Barely noticeable relief, so then tried Amitriptyline - waste of time. Will investigate the use of Gabapentin, however 800mg - 4 times daily as mentioned by @jlor in Sept 2018 for neuropathic pain seems a monstrous dose to me.


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Replies to "I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy which I have had for approx 5 years. PN..."

Good evening @billjim651 and thanks for your post suggesting that you may try gabapentin. It was the first prescription I was given 5 or 6 years ago. Initially, 1200 mg was too much for me. Gabapentin and I had a rough start. What did work for me was nortriptyline for nighttime sleep. We changed the dosage and, moved gabapentin to 900 mg in the evening. Then I tapered off Nortriptyline and replaced that with duloxetine, currently rated as one of the best Rx for neuropathy.

Gabapentin for some is a daily go-to and allows modification in dosage and the dosage time. I found out how valuable it was one night when I forgot to take it. A really bad memory. For me, this medication shuts down the machine that creates numbness, tingling, and even some gut-wrenching evening pain.

The need to be somewhat calm and relatively pain-free on a good golf day demanded the best from Medical Cannabis. You are your own clinician and pharmacist. I think you might even be able to play the back 9 after a nice lunch. Let me know if you would like specifics. Fighting this condition is a challenge. Don't give up.......knowledge is power. Dig in and learn about your options. Just make sure you don't get sucked into pricey machines and treatments. As @johnbishop reminds us.....there is no cure....just rather simple ways to get the most out of living with neuropathy.

Now that I have written this, I am missing golf.
Be safe and protected.