Lexapro withdrawal

Posted by freefromdrug1 @freefromdrug1, Apr 19, 2017

I am currently weening from 10 mg lexapro after 15 years of being on the drug. I was put on this drug due to post partum. Having a difficult time getting into psychiatrist due to wait list. I've been weening for 2months and taking .5 instead of 10 mg daily. I was doing fine until 2 weeks ago when severe anxiety hit, no appetite, flu like symptoms and very emotional. Doctor prescribed xanax to help with anxiety and I take only as needed but honestly I'm afraid to take another drug. I see an phych nurse this week and a holistic doctor as well. Taking a multi vitamin, fish oi, B12 and vitamin D as well. I'm trying to figure out if my severe anxiety is due to withdrawal or if I'm prone to anxiety attacks because I've never had anxiety before.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

Wondering if anyone has tries Sam-E for depression? I just heard about it, don’t know much about how it works.


Please don’t stop cold turkey! It’s awful! Contact your doctor to see what they suggest! Especially after taking it for 4 years. Please let us know how you’re doing.


Definitely Lexapro can't be stopped cold turkey. I have tapered off anti depressants in the past and I think this is one of the more difficult ones. My salivary glands swelled up when coming off one - one doctor didn't think this was possible but another said it made sense as you can get a dry mouth so there is a connection. Right now I want to stop taking Lexapro - I've been on 20mg for over 4 years. I decreased to 15mg about 2 months ago. I read about the two phases of discontinuation effects and am wondering if tapering also has delayed side effects. I am very tired and have painful joints. However could be all separate issues - menopausal arthralgia maybe. I also suspect that I have gluten intolerance and will ask for a blood test next time I see my doctor. Thanks for good tips and advice.


Welcome to Mayo Connect, @annalivia!
I'm glad that you shared your experience with Lexapro withdrawal. Are you still experiencing the painful joints?


Welcome to Mayo Connect, @annalivia!
I'm glad that you shared your experience with Lexapro withdrawal. Are you still experiencing the painful joints?

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Thanks Teresa - stiff and sore hands and feet.


I am also weaning off of lexapro. Haven't noticed much difference being off than when I was on (10 mg, stepped down to 5mg for 2 mos, now off since 4/1). I take Ativan for anxiety (.5) but only when necessary because it makes me sleepy. I am trying to get off Percocet. I have been on it for a few yrs (4 - 5.325/ day) due to arthritis in my hip and shoulders. Finally getting hip replacement after years of putting it off. I am 71 yrs old and hope things work out according to MY plan but it's out of my hands.

Free from, I hope you find answers. You have a good start from the adjustments you have made thus far.

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@janetfinkel I’m 71 and am wondering what anxiety symptoms you have. I too am taking Lexapro and it seems to help. But I’m convinced aging has a lot to do with organs simply not functioning as well as they used to — the brain-gut connection being one of them. It feels good to know others who understand. Anxiety pokes a hole in quality of life, so for the time being, I’m medicating. Tried all the herbals but had no real success. Please continue to share!


Thanks Teresa - stiff and sore hands and feet.

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I am sorry to hear that you are still struggling with the pain, @annalivia. Will you be seeing your doctor any time soon? I hope you can get some relief. Will you post again? I'd like to hear how you are doing periodically.


Hello @freefromdrug1 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm glad that you have joined this online support network. Thank you also for your post regarding withdrawing from Lexapro. I am glad to see that you are under a doctor's care while you are in the withdrawal process. Have you discussed these current problems with him/her as well?

Previously we have had a discussion on the topic of withdrawal from antidepressants, some of which discuss Lexapro - here is the link, http://mayocl.in/2pBYHti. Please take a look at some of their comments. From this discussion, I'd like to invite @mentor51 @frank1 @ronnie3716 and @jay_baruch who have discussed changing their Lexapro dosage.

Please feel free to continue to share with us during this process, we have a lot of individuals in our Mayo Connect community who care and are willing to share their experiences. Best wishes to you! Teresa

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Hi, just joined the Lexapro withdrawal thread. How do I post a new comment? My son is taking 40 g Lexapro a day, for the last three years. Seems ok with it. But I worry about it. Seems excessive. he has autism, anxiety, OCD diagnoses. Was taking 40 g of Olanzapine a day, but a year ado his dr gradually got him down to 7.5 daily. And stopped the Clompramine, much better now. One doctor prescribes getting back to nature, and a couple weeks ago we went camping on Mt Shasta, he was so happy, running around barefoot, racing with his doggie and playing his guitar. You can see his music page at my username.


Hi, just joined the Lexapro withdrawal thread. How do I post a new comment? My son is taking 40 g Lexapro a day, for the last three years. Seems ok with it. But I worry about it. Seems excessive. he has autism, anxiety, OCD diagnoses. Was taking 40 g of Olanzapine a day, but a year ado his dr gradually got him down to 7.5 daily. And stopped the Clompramine, much better now. One doctor prescribes getting back to nature, and a couple weeks ago we went camping on Mt Shasta, he was so happy, running around barefoot, racing with his doggie and playing his guitar. You can see his music page at my username.

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You successfully posted a new comment to the thread about Lexapro withdrawal. If you want to start a new thread about Lexapro or something else you have to do so from the Mental Health home page. An Admin might move this post to a new thread if you post one about Lexapro Dosage (or something like that). That being said, 40 mg of Lexapro is twice the "normal" indicated high dosage, but sometimes a psychiatrist will prescribe more, it depends upon what s/he thinks will be effective for the patient without undue side-effects. I take 20 mg per day with very good results for my condition but with Abilify concurrently. If it's working for your son, that's great, but if you have concerns, express that to your son's physician(s).


Hi, just joined the Lexapro withdrawal thread. How do I post a new comment? My son is taking 40 g Lexapro a day, for the last three years. Seems ok with it. But I worry about it. Seems excessive. he has autism, anxiety, OCD diagnoses. Was taking 40 g of Olanzapine a day, but a year ado his dr gradually got him down to 7.5 daily. And stopped the Clompramine, much better now. One doctor prescribes getting back to nature, and a couple weeks ago we went camping on Mt Shasta, he was so happy, running around barefoot, racing with his doggie and playing his guitar. You can see his music page at my username.

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Hello @wwwzeydotrocks! Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You were successful in joining the conversation. Please simply hit reply at the bottom when replying back to the group thread. @guener, Thank you for assisting with user instructions. I agree with the advice about expressing concern with your sons physician. Connect is a great place to talk to others about experiences but not to be substituted with taking medical advice from anyone.

I understand your concern with your son- I think I would feel the same. Thank you for sharing that he was happy and running around playing made me smile. Do you plan on trying to have him tapered down off Lexapro? Do you keep a journal to keep track of his behavior/moods?

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