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fibromyalgia newbie

Fibromyalgia | Last Active: Aug 23, 2018 | Replies (21)

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@joanelle77 I love mamacitas post be positive with what you do and think. Remedies Ive found wors for me Good vitamin n my neral ,muscle relaxer med.,hot shower when your h scles hurt,Epsom salts,more magnesium,Tens unit ,ice Most meds dot agree with me so Ive learned to do more naturel herbs .Resting and saying no when your body tells you with fibromyalgia this is important watch your diet try to stay away from sugar and fats.

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Replies to "@joanelle77 I love mamacitas post be positive with what you do and think. Remedies Ive found..."

Hey there,@lioness, this is @mamacita, stopping by to say hello! How are you doing today? I'm having a slow day today, but I've been getting a few things accomplished. One of my meds has been recalled because it has a small amount of a carcinogenic substance. I have made the phone call and left a message for my good doctor. How unsettling! But very grateful to have gotten the notice from my insurance company. It's a good feeling to have someone looking out for your well being. That's how I feel about you guys. Thank you for just being. Love you big!

@mamacita thanks so much being strong with fibromyalgia thats why I took Lioness as my handle we have to think of ourselfs as being strong dont let this get us down Today is a fair day I got my haircut so this always makes me feel good take care ❤

Hi @mamacita I heard on the news tonite that there are cancer agents in breakfast cereal.

Well,@doxyjune, it just gets better and better. My health insurance just notified me that my blood pressure medicine, Diovan HCT, is being withdrawn. Turns out there is a carcinogenic substance in the medicine. My PCP immediately got me on another med for BP. But a side affect is possible high blood sugar. Oy vey! Take good care of yourself, my friend. Have a restful weekend!

@lioness, I too, use as many natural supplements and treatments as possible. I cannot depend on medication to eliminate pain 100% of the time. When I think of how extensive the nervous system is, it is no wonder we have such pain. Yours for a cure!

@mamacita Nice to hear this as this is the way to go I was talking with a women who has fibro she found Diary products ,nightshade veggies ,sugar fat are her flare ups for fibro I know I can't do tomatoes or peppres which i s ha rd to stay away from One thing I do for pain if you like tea ☕is Arnica tea for pain only place Ive found it is at Rite Aide For nerves (CNS) I take homeopathic nerve tonic its naturel ,I dont mention it to often but I like your comments if I can help I will even though I got scolded .heres to are good health and better days blessings Linda