Crohn's Disease - does cannabis help?
I am wondering if anyone has had success with cannabis use to treat and manage Crohn's Disease symptom and has gotten their Iowa Department of Public Health form stating they have a condition that qualifies them for the Iowa program signed by their gastroenterologist. My current medical team either claims cannabis does not help Crohn's symptoms and pain, or acknowledge it does and tell me privately in-person they will not sign the form because their supervisors have informed them they will lose their jobs.
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@eltrosewater Back to Crohn's. my family and I for several generations have been diagnosed with some form of hereditary Amyloidosis. At the moment my version is mostly Gelsolin, and several others have or have had before death. There is also Multiple Myeloma, Lect2, Apolipoprotein, Carnetine, Crohns, Lupus, and several other Lite Chain mutations. There are well over 1,000 Lite Chain forms, and every person's form is different. Some may respond well to cannabis, some will not. Anyway, my sole point here is that the market push by greedy unskilled diagnosticians who stand to reap huge income from unwarranted sales and usage is dangerous to everyone, not just the patient. Finally, the patient must make the choice.
I agree. Part of making a choice is becoming as informed as possible about the possible options. I and my friends know a lot about Crohn's Disease and related symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies and doctors (currently) know extremely little about medical cannabis, because it is federally prohibited for any use so it cannot even be widely researched. If a medical research team tried to study it with a large enough sample, it would be an enormous undertaking, because of the Schedule I status, which says it has no medical value and is highly addictive. What I am afraid of is pharmaceutical companies finally figuring out how to replicate the cohort effect of natural medical cannabis, synthesizing it and making it more potent and probably addictive/dangerous, then sending representatives out to every clinic and hospital and private practice to push the synthesized drug on doctors, who don't learn about medical cannabis in med school. Sociological studies have already shown that doctors will prescribe a particular drug a patient asks for more often than not, so if all that doctors know about medical cannabis is that it can possibly do this and possibly do that, they'll have to rely on the pamphlets the pharmaceutical reps give them and maybe a small vacation to a conference about their specialty, sponsored by some pharmaceutical company. As you said, it should be up to the patient and technically is, but if all doctors know about it is what they learn from the pharmaceutical industry, patients will be prescribed it and it will have no beneficial effect for their particular symptoms, or worse, they could get into a car accident or become dependent on the substance. I had an internship in college at a local neuropsychology clinic, and the doctor I shadowed would often send me into an exam room to talk with patients while he ate donuts and listened to a pharma rep talk about the wonders of some new drug for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, etc.
Yez! We will talk@ Love and light, Mamacita
Hello @arick21, welcome to Connect. There is another discussion on Connect where your post may have more visibility with members discussing symptoms similar to yours. I'm tagging our moderator @ethanmcconkey to see if we should move your post to the following discussion where you will be able to meet other members with similar symptoms.
> Groups > Autoimmune Diseases > Diagnosed with Crohn's but having weird symptoms
You mentioned your recent labs pointed towards malnutrition yet you are unable to lose weight. Have you discussed this with your doctor? I did run across an interesting article discussing the topic that may provide more information for you.
6 Surprising Health Conditions that Hinder Weight Loss
Hi @johnbishop. Thank you on the posting guidance and the article. I really appreciate it.
Hi arick21, I read your post and wanted to reply. I also am a female in my 40 s who has Crohns Disease. I was diagnosed at age 25. Through this long journey of living with the disease for over 20 years, first I just wanted to say.. don’t give up in trying to find answers! I got help and second opinions at Mayo Rochester and it was totally worth it. The doctors there are so knowledgeable and kind and set me on the right path in terms of meds and healing. Also one thing I have seen over the years is that Crohns is a really individual disease. That means everyone’s Crohns is unique. I have two close girlfriends with Crohns and their disease is very different to mine. Yet here we all are with Crohns! So in summary, don’t give up, keep seeking your truth and answers. And know there are lots of other Crohnsies out there all with very different symptoms.. but suffering from this same inflammatory bowel disease!
I am a 41 year old female, dx with Crohn’s in 2016 after a two-week affair of chronic diarrhea and nausea, with subsequent dehydration, weight loss, fatigue. Colonoscopy did show chronic ulcerations. Prior to that event, I had irregular BM’s, but nothing significant. Since my diagnosis, I have chronic abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, no diarrhea, fatigue, have GAINED 20 lbs. I am on Pentasa and take various supplements. I recently had labs done, and there are a few directing to malnutrition, yet I cannot lose weight!
I also have early onset disc dysplagia in lumbar/sacral spine. I am active and live a healthy life. I am not certain Crohn’s is the correct dx, especially with the absence of chronic diarrhea and constpation. Does anyone have any feedback or advice? I am at a loss and wonder if I have something else going on.
Thank you!
I've had Crohn's disease for many years. My energy level is usually pretty low, but several times a month I get hit with major fatigue that lasts for 3-4 days, and leaves me unable to do just about anything. Have any of you experienced this, and what do you do to get through it ?