← Return to IT band syndrome after knee replacement


IT band syndrome after knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Feb 20, 2023 | Replies (164)

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Hi @collielady, I'd like to invite back @tmeurer, @strokemyoak and @lynnmorgan0916 who also discussed IT band pain in the past as well to share their experiences. I also have a few discussions that include videos you may want to check out as well:

- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/webinar/live-qa-runners-lower-extremity-injuries-and-how-to-prevent-them/
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/it-band/

@collielady, I also had my knee replaced in 2006. My recovery was long and hard due to scar tissue, so I can empathize the struggles of rehab with you. How is your range-of-motion going? I have to image the IT band syndrome is really affecting your ability to progress in your flexing and straightening of your joint.

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Replies to "Hi @collielady, I'd like to invite back @tmeurer, @strokemyoak and @lynnmorgan0916 who also discussed IT band..."

Thanks for the videos. I ordered a foam roller and received it 2days later. I really think it is going to help. It’s ackward to use, but feels better after use.

I had a total knee replacement 3.5 years ago. Due to excessive exercise and walking ~6-8miles/week, I have an overuse injury. I use RICE to help the knee but the ITB is still aggravated. I do not hike and can only walk 1.7 miles. I reduced my exercise regimen to mostly upper body and chair exercises. Afterwards I elevate and ice. How long will it take to get back to “normal “? If I rest it’s fine but once I work out the band gets tight. I have no problem with ROM. Thanks