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Replies to "I have been struggling with candida for over 8 years now. At first I thought it..."
I’m currently seeing Silvia Hazel, nurse practitioner. She’s getting her functional medicine license soon. She seems to really care to get to the bottom of things.
Kadin Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center
6212 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852
240.430.1004 (office)
I can totally relate. Most doctors aren't interested because it's symptoms are swing wildly. I've had this for sometime and the only way I can live anything close to normal is to be on a full time candida diet. Along with antifungals. I usually cycle on and off those just to give my body a break. I'm on my last hope here at Mayo and I don't care what I have to endure to get rid of this. Completely ruining my health and basically every other aspect of my life. Let's face it, you are just simply miserable with a condition like this and it's impossible to have any time of fun or social life. It literally runs the show.
jgalello, candida is a tough nut to crack. You mentioned red dots on your skin and itchy that may also be from a vitamin C deficiency and
borderline thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety that are symptomatic of a thiamine deficiency (vitamin B1). Thiamine and vitamin C are needed in overall health and fighting candida.. Thiamine has a critical role in digestive health and function which if further impacted by insufficient levels of magnesium causing a deficiency of thiamine because it and vitamin D require magnesium to become bioactive. Benfotiamine is a fat soluble form of thiamine that can pass through the blood/brain barrier easier than water soluble thiamine forms. Liposomal vitamin C offers high absorption and long activity. Please research these forms of thiamine and vitamin C. I hope these links offer more answers you are looking for: