Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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Do you have heart issues?
Maybe talk to your Dr before you start anything.


No i do't have any heart issues that i know of . Thanks


No i do't have any heart issues that i know of . Thanks

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Ok cuz you can’t take this if you have any underlining issues. So it’s a tablet you take 20 minutes before each meal for one month. You also need to drink lots of water.
Good luck.


Hi i am new here started having heartburn and some acid reflux took a few tums seem to go away only to start up when i would go to bed like i was on fire.Took more tums helped some so talked to my GP and she put me on protonic @40mg which i took for 3 days it was making me sick and making things worse.She then put me on omeprazole @40mg to start then said to go to 40 twice a day I would not do 80mg a day i have been getting nauseous and a few pains in stomach pains.Also been having that feeling like i have phlegm in throat and some burping.I can't stand these side effects i have been taking it for a week only and i am stopping Someone was telling me that my doctor should have had me take Pepcid AC instead to begin with and then gone to something stronger.I have changed my diet eating smaller meals raised my head at night.I still feel a slight burn in middle of chest.I am a small frame woman at normal weight and i am very active 67years old my doctor said this is common has we get older i take no meds only a few vitamins gave up fish oil and vit c.What i would like to know does licorice really work and does it raise blood pressure?has anyone used slippery elm bark say its good for the throat also.I have always had a hard time getting used to something new if i have to take a med.At this point i don't know what to do i have a check up with doctor and i feel she going to think its all in my head.Any info will be helpful
Thank you

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On you tube Dr Jonathan Aviv from ENT and Allergy does a brilliant job of making you understand where reflux comes from and how to treat it without medication. Forty percent of the population has reflux many of them have the silent type (ie no heartburn) with things like throat clearing,sore throats or sinus issues. One of the fastest growing cancers in America is esophageal. I only had to modify a few things in my diet and the symptoms went away. I wish you well!
BTW if you don't take the meds properly you get MORE acid!!!


Hi i am new here started having heartburn and some acid reflux took a few tums seem to go away only to start up when i would go to bed like i was on fire.Took more tums helped some so talked to my GP and she put me on protonic @40mg which i took for 3 days it was making me sick and making things worse.She then put me on omeprazole @40mg to start then said to go to 40 twice a day I would not do 80mg a day i have been getting nauseous and a few pains in stomach pains.Also been having that feeling like i have phlegm in throat and some burping.I can't stand these side effects i have been taking it for a week only and i am stopping Someone was telling me that my doctor should have had me take Pepcid AC instead to begin with and then gone to something stronger.I have changed my diet eating smaller meals raised my head at night.I still feel a slight burn in middle of chest.I am a small frame woman at normal weight and i am very active 67years old my doctor said this is common has we get older i take no meds only a few vitamins gave up fish oil and vit c.What i would like to know does licorice really work and does it raise blood pressure?has anyone used slippery elm bark say its good for the throat also.I have always had a hard time getting used to something new if i have to take a med.At this point i don't know what to do i have a check up with doctor and i feel she going to think its all in my head.Any info will be helpful
Thank you

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You should see another doctor—a competent gastroenterologist. A dosage of 80 mg of a PPI is very high. Did the 40 mg not help you? You should see a good GI doc before you experiment with “natural” remedies your own. Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean they have no side effects.


Hello Bonnie, I was on omeprazole, I have the same problem as you, I was taking 2- 20mg a day. for six months, the gastro give me another prescription Famotidine 40 mg twice a day, I was ok for a while, I still have them, now I am back on Omeprazole 1 a day 20mg. sometimes a take two and I really watch what I eat, I am back taking probiotic, I feel a little better, but I also have IBS, I really don't know what to do anymore, all the best to you.


You should see another doctor—a competent gastroenterologist. A dosage of 80 mg of a PPI is very high. Did the 40 mg not help you? You should see a good GI doc before you experiment with “natural” remedies your own. Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean they have no side effects.

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@jackie95 @carnet Agree with Jackie95 for the most part. Yes to new Gastro MD,80 MG of PPI, I've been on for a few years, nothing to report re side effects of dose. Agree whole heartily re "Natural" remedies.


You should see another doctor—a competent gastroenterologist. A dosage of 80 mg of a PPI is very high. Did the 40 mg not help you? You should see a good GI doc before you experiment with “natural” remedies your own. Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean they have no side effects.

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@carnet I have to agree with @jackiem95, that is a very high dose. I went to a doctor who is a specialist in Barrett's Esophagus when I first had mine and he gave me two omeprazole a day, each 20 mg. He said my PCP would probably be alarmed at such a high dose but he wanted me to start on that for two or three months, I forget exactly how long because it was quite a while ago, and then I was reduced to once a day.

That gastroenterologist was the best in my opinion. He unfortunately moved from Mass General to Columbia Presybitarian in NYC. I am seriously considering going to NYC for my next appointment. My daughter lives there so I could stay with her.


On you tube Dr Jonathan Aviv from ENT and Allergy does a brilliant job of making you understand where reflux comes from and how to treat it without medication. Forty percent of the population has reflux many of them have the silent type (ie no heartburn) with things like throat clearing,sore throats or sinus issues. One of the fastest growing cancers in America is esophageal. I only had to modify a few things in my diet and the symptoms went away. I wish you well!
BTW if you don't take the meds properly you get MORE acid!!!

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Thankyou I looked him up I am already doing a lot of what he says


@carnet I have to agree with @jackiem95, that is a very high dose. I went to a doctor who is a specialist in Barrett's Esophagus when I first had mine and he gave me two omeprazole a day, each 20 mg. He said my PCP would probably be alarmed at such a high dose but he wanted me to start on that for two or three months, I forget exactly how long because it was quite a while ago, and then I was reduced to once a day.

That gastroenterologist was the best in my opinion. He unfortunately moved from Mass General to Columbia Presybitarian in NYC. I am seriously considering going to NYC for my next appointment. My daughter lives there so I could stay with her.

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Hi I was doing 20 mg twice a day but dr felt it would be better to double dose I told him I have a problem with taking thing but he said I needed to get it under control.This only started in April thought it was nerves.Thankyou

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