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Getting off of Seroquel

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Apr 13 7:50am | Replies (713)

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He already told me to go down from 325 mg seraquel to 300. And decrease the Kolonopin by .5mg. I will cut down the Kolonopin but too afraid to cut the Seraquel.

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Replies to "He already told me to go down from 325 mg seraquel to 300. And decrease the..."

Of course everyone is different and reacts differently but Klonopin was the worst drug I ever discontinued. Not that I had withdrawals except at the very last but I remedied that quickly enough. Obviously your doctor should be much more knowledgeable than I, but like you I would be skeptical of going off of two drugs at the same time. You may do fine. Sounds like you have a doctor that understands these meds need to be tapered slowly. How much Klonopin are you currently taking? Why are you on these medications and how long have you been taking them?
Take care,