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Mysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?

Lung Health | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (3470)

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This post hits home with me. I am a "healthy" 37 year old female. Late Oct 2018 I was put on predisone for fluid in ears, day after I got off of it I notice a pain in my left rib/breast/chest area and SOB like I could not complete a deep breath or yawn. I went into clinic and Doc told me either shingles or related to cycle. I waited a week and went back in. Different Dr. did an chest x-ray and blood work and everything looked fine. Week later went to Er, not able to eat and SOB still there and doctor ran a pelvic-chest ct scan and I was told viral and to wait it out. Went back to doctor later that week and she did EKG and then told me it was anxiety. Gave me meds for anxiety which I do not believe is what's causing this. She then referred me to a different doctor and he told me GERD and to take Omeprazole. Pressed for ultra sound of gallbladder(normal) and ultra sound of thyroid was normal. Had a hida scan done and found my gallbladder was only function at 36%. Had gallbladder removed in Dec 2018 but continue to have SOB. I have had Upper Gi and Colonoscopy both came back fine. I have had a mammogram for pain in left rib/breast and that was normal. I have seen ENT and he thought VCD but he ordered a pulmonary study test and that was normal. To me VCD doesn't fit because my SOB is all the time. I had a ct scan done of Ears and Sinus because right nostril has been plugged. Just had deviated septum and sinus surgery two weeks ago. Still have SOB, if I breath through nose it's fine but when I search for that deep breath through my mouth it gets stuck. This is driving me crazy, for a once very healthy active person I feel like I try to get by each day doing the very least I can do just to get by. I am willing to try just about anything to get rid of this as it's having an impact on my quality of life.

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Replies to "This post hits home with me. I am a "healthy" 37 year old female. Late Oct..."

Dear Healthy 37 year old!
Our stories are very similar. Two years into SOB and excruciating upper left back/shoulder pain and many doctors visits, it was only during
a yearly physical at Mayo Clinic where my physician “listened to me & ordered a chest CT”! I was shockingly diagnosed with a 3cm tumor in my left lung. I was rushed into surgery with non small cell lung cancer.
After fighting back I have lived 11 years with a great quality of life.
My local doctors told me I was athletic, looked healthy and because I never smoked refused a chest X-ray telling me my chocking cough and SOB was psychological.
I can recommend that for me traveling to a large research medical facility is what saved my life. All of my follow up is at Mayo Clinic with a brilliant team of experts who keep a caring watchful eye on my lungs and body!
All my best.

@flott118 Have you considered allergic asthma as a possible cause? I will get shortness of breath when allergies cause too much phlegm. If I can keep my lungs clear of phlegm, I feel much better.