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Hypo and Hyper thyroid hell!!

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: May 29, 2021 | Replies (20)

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Is there anyone who has a hyper thyroid?
I went to the dr. yesterday beacuse i lost about 26 lbs. in 3 months,i only weight 94 lbs. right now,im extremely tired 24/7 and i have tachycardia.
My T3 level is high and TSH is lower than the last time i got tested. My biggest concern is that i cant gain weight at all.

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Replies to "Is there anyone who has a hyper thyroid? I went to the dr. yesterday beacuse i..."

Hello @tatianam, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

Has your doctor offered any suggested treatments?

Yes @tatianam . I was diagnosed with hyper recently and I’m
Positive for Graves antibodies. I also have tachycardia which is what drew me to see my GP. I’m on propanalol (10 mg TID) for it and it helps tremendously.

@tatianam my situation/symptoms sounds so similar. I’d love to chat more with you! Can you send me a private message? I know this was a couple years ago, I’d be curious to hear where you are in your thyroid journey now!!

Yes. My levels have been normal for almost 2 years without meds, however, I have Graves, so not sure if it still affects me. Also, I am getting that inner jitteriness feeling and now am concerned my tsh is low again. It is an awful feeling. Like you, the hyperthyroidism caused tachycardia and once my levels normalized that went away. I also take stimulant medication for ADHD and have GAD...the brain fog caused me problems at work.