Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.


Hello @mamacita

Once again, in trying to understand the experience of folks on the Spectrum, could you explain a little more about what you said In the above post,

"That is again, one reason why it is so hard for Auties to understand jokes. Jokes leave me flat."

Is it hard for someone on the Spectrum to find humor? If so, what does humor look like for a person on the Spectrum? Are there TV shows, etc. that make you laugh?

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Hi, Teresa, Volunteer Mentor. Whew! It has been a while since I felt well enough to get back on here. I really lostt track of time.

When I was a young teen, my somewhat older cousins could tell me jokes, but I never could understand them. I didn't want to appear ungrateful or stupid, so I would laugh anyway.
I found the Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy, and some of Bonanza humerous. Of course like most children, I adored cartoons. I have not studied about jokes in regards to Autistics. But I have a feeling it must have something to do with unwritten rules of society , subtle nuances, which are hard for us to comprehend. May I get back with you on that?

I am having foot surgery day after tomorrow, so it might be a bit.Sirgalahad, could you or gingerw give Teresa some of your thoughts on this?

Hope to "talk. " with you soon


Hi, Teresa, Volunteer Mentor. Whew! It has been a while since I felt well enough to get back on here. I really lostt track of time.

When I was a young teen, my somewhat older cousins could tell me jokes, but I never could understand them. I didn't want to appear ungrateful or stupid, so I would laugh anyway.
I found the Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy, and some of Bonanza humerous. Of course like most children, I adored cartoons. I have not studied about jokes in regards to Autistics. But I have a feeling it must have something to do with unwritten rules of society , subtle nuances, which are hard for us to comprehend. May I get back with you on that?

I am having foot surgery day after tomorrow, so it might be a bit.Sirgalahad, could you or gingerw give Teresa some of your thoughts on this?

Hope to "talk. " with you soon

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can elucidate a bit more with Teresa and gingerw oh ok I will but as I am in autism burnout it will take me till the end of the week to get my thoughts together to give an adequate expalantion .please can Teresa volunteer mentor and gingerw to remind me


just an update in regards my health and mental health I am currently slipped back into Autism Burnout and had to see my Psychiatrist on Friday for a change medicines and to get some counselling and support . I had a major varicose vein bled from 2 veins in my left calf when I banged it on the edge of a shop counter and felt cold liquid on my leg and noticed a major pool of blood and rushed to the local medical center .I therefore nearly bled out and died . I survived and had 20 stitches to close off the veins and to save my life . I was the racially and culturally abused by an Asian and an Indian for being disabled and autistic .when he kept belittling me I melted down and blew merry hell out of him and got both arrested for disability abuse .Will be going to court and then a very close old school friend from when we both were in Kindergarten 55 years ago died on Wednesday from a major heart attack in front of his wife at lunch . I will miss bruce he had 4 coronary arteries blocked the ambos couldn't restart his heart
so folks I am in recovery and its going to take a while to reset the operating system of my autistic brain .I will be askew and not on the air

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@sirgalahad You have had a really rough go of it. So glad you checked in with us, please take time to heal and know we will be here when you return. We care.



I'm so sorry to hear of your recent struggles and mistreatment by people who think they must put down/make fun of others in order to feel better about themselves. I'm glad you stood up and reported them for their mistreatment of you. Please be well and find that place in your mind where you feel safe again. You have my respect and complete support.


Hi, Teresa, Volunteer Mentor. Whew! It has been a while since I felt well enough to get back on here. I really lostt track of time.

When I was a young teen, my somewhat older cousins could tell me jokes, but I never could understand them. I didn't want to appear ungrateful or stupid, so I would laugh anyway.
I found the Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy, and some of Bonanza humerous. Of course like most children, I adored cartoons. I have not studied about jokes in regards to Autistics. But I have a feeling it must have something to do with unwritten rules of society , subtle nuances, which are hard for us to comprehend. May I get back with you on that?

I am having foot surgery day after tomorrow, so it might be a bit.Sirgalahad, could you or gingerw give Teresa some of your thoughts on this?

Hope to "talk. " with you soon

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I'm happy to see you back on line. I want you to know that I have never been good with getting the humor in most jokes people tell. I tried to read the funnies in the newspaper when I was in my 20s, but never saw the humor. I haven't read them since. I've always thought there must be something wrong with me that I saw these jokes/cartoons as all too true to be funny. There are many traits I have in common with you, but I recognize that I'm not atypical. However, I feel like because of your and @sirgalahad sharing here, I better understand what your experience is.

I watched a Netflix show called "Atypical" and it was one of the best I've seen; funny and poignant. Have you seen this show, and if so, could you comment on its authenticity or lack of? I felt like I had a much better understanding of the autism spectrum as a result of watching the 2 seasons of the show. My grandson has Tourettes Syndrome, and he has struggled with bullying at school, learning disabilities, fear of touch, as well as OCD, and ADHD. He's 17 now and his ticks are much better as is his attitude. He's very brave and has an amazing level of self confidence and empathy for others. I respect his experiences and his ability to make his life work. He's currently preparing himself to leave home when he graduates from high school next spring. He's extremely smart in mathematics and literature and is an excellent writer. He wants to become an engineer, whiche is a great choice for him. I think understanding my grandson has helped me accept the differences and gifts we each bring to this world. Every living being, human, animal, plant has a valuable and rich contribution to make in this world.

Thanks for adding to my learning and understanding.


can elucidate a bit more with Teresa and gingerw oh ok I will but as I am in autism burnout it will take me till the end of the week to get my thoughts together to give an adequate expalantion .please can Teresa volunteer mentor and gingerw to remind me

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@sirgalahad Yes, will do so. Please take care of yourself. We so appreciate your many contributions to Mayo Connect!


Hi, Teresa, Volunteer Mentor. Whew! It has been a while since I felt well enough to get back on here. I really lostt track of time.

When I was a young teen, my somewhat older cousins could tell me jokes, but I never could understand them. I didn't want to appear ungrateful or stupid, so I would laugh anyway.
I found the Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy, and some of Bonanza humerous. Of course like most children, I adored cartoons. I have not studied about jokes in regards to Autistics. But I have a feeling it must have something to do with unwritten rules of society , subtle nuances, which are hard for us to comprehend. May I get back with you on that?

I am having foot surgery day after tomorrow, so it might be a bit.Sirgalahad, could you or gingerw give Teresa some of your thoughts on this?

Hope to "talk. " with you soon

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Please take care of yourself, @mamacita. I hope your foot surgery goes very well. I'll be praying for you! How long is your recovery expected to take?


just an update in regards my health and mental health I am currently slipped back into Autism Burnout and had to see my Psychiatrist on Friday for a change medicines and to get some counselling and support . I had a major varicose vein bled from 2 veins in my left calf when I banged it on the edge of a shop counter and felt cold liquid on my leg and noticed a major pool of blood and rushed to the local medical center .I therefore nearly bled out and died . I survived and had 20 stitches to close off the veins and to save my life . I was the racially and culturally abused by an Asian and an Indian for being disabled and autistic .when he kept belittling me I melted down and blew merry hell out of him and got both arrested for disability abuse .Will be going to court and then a very close old school friend from when we both were in Kindergarten 55 years ago died on Wednesday from a major heart attack in front of his wife at lunch . I will miss bruce he had 4 coronary arteries blocked the ambos couldn't restart his heart
so folks I am in recovery and its going to take a while to reset the operating system of my autistic brain .I will be askew and not on the air

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I am so sorry that you had such an unfortunate experience while trying to get medical help. You did not need that and it was completely uncalled for. My sympathies to you in the loss of your long-time friend. Friends are an important part of our life and support network. When you lose a friend, you have lost a great deal! Take time to heal, @sirgalahad and post again when you can. Wishing you well and praying for you.


just an update in regards my health and mental health I am currently slipped back into Autism Burnout and had to see my Psychiatrist on Friday for a change medicines and to get some counselling and support . I had a major varicose vein bled from 2 veins in my left calf when I banged it on the edge of a shop counter and felt cold liquid on my leg and noticed a major pool of blood and rushed to the local medical center .I therefore nearly bled out and died . I survived and had 20 stitches to close off the veins and to save my life . I was the racially and culturally abused by an Asian and an Indian for being disabled and autistic .when he kept belittling me I melted down and blew merry hell out of him and got both arrested for disability abuse .Will be going to court and then a very close old school friend from when we both were in Kindergarten 55 years ago died on Wednesday from a major heart attack in front of his wife at lunch . I will miss bruce he had 4 coronary arteries blocked the ambos couldn't restart his heart
so folks I am in recovery and its going to take a while to reset the operating system of my autistic brain .I will be askew and not on the air

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Dear@sirgalahad. I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through! Take good care, and please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so proud of you for standing up for
what you believe in.

Yesterday I witnessed a blatant example of racism while in the grocery store. I couldn't let it go. I reported what happened to the service desk manager and she brought in the store manager.
He said they have cameras which record everything, so they are going to pull the tapes and then address the situation.
I was almost in tears, and the service desk manager kept saying please don't cry..

I hate it when that happens. I'm so glad you are going to be ok. I appreciate all you do for us here at Mayo Clinic Connect. Hope to "chat" with you later.



Three cheers to you @mamacita for stepping in and reporting racism at the store! You are my hero😂

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