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Eagle Syndrome

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) | Last Active: Mar 11 6:49pm | Replies (293)

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Hi Elimpert96, Thanks for responding and for your prayers. My muscle spams dont last long but the residual pain sure does! I have a call into a surgeon in Philly for a second opinion - Dr Congnetti is known for ES surgeries and has a small publication on it.

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Replies to "Hi Elimpert96, Thanks for responding and for your prayers. My muscle spams dont last long but..."

Thank You Brooklyngirl, The pain is challenging, but just try to remember the bright side. There is always someone else worse off. Pain is only part of the symptoms and complications that can arise with this condition as I know you are well aware of. I do feel for you though as my pain never seems to go away completely. Hopefully (As i believe happened with me) the pain receptors in those area's begin to numb down the pain in time. They get so used to it that eventually the pain isn't as acute and becomes a little more tolerable.....Hopefully. I will prayer for this very thing for you. Anyways, thank you so much for your reply and for the surgeon's info in Philly. I'm in Baltimore, so def within arms reach! As always, I'll keep you in prayer and May GOD Bless you and keep you and in his good and perfect time and wisdom, May he finally heal you and restore your health. Stay strong! Elimpert96