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Disturbing, detailed dreams

Sleep Health | Last Active: Dec 4, 2018 | Replies (40)

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Hi, Sally, I also periodically have vividly colored dreams that have such fine detail that I can read what is printed on a magazine or sign in the dream. Mostly I am walking with a group of people--unknown to me-- with whom I am comfortable. Often times we are walking on a college campus or through university buildings. Generally I am seeking someone or a specific place. Sometimes I meet individuals I know and chat with them. Rarely I hear what they are telling me.

As a child I was sexually abused by my father. It took me many years to reach a point in my life where I could be brave enough to face that fact. Working on healing the "authentic me" is an ongoing process. Occasionally an event or conversation in the present will upset me enough that I need dreaming time to come to terms with how I feel and how I will move forward.

Odd as it might seem, I have found that if I have a very bad dream while sleeping in my bed I will choose to sleep on the sofa the next few nights. Neither place for sleeping is more or less conducive to dreams of any sort. Does the change in location of a resting place trigger a more relaxed and restful attitude? I really have no explanation. I am just relieved that I have an easy answer that allows me to get a night of restful sleep.

Bravery and persistence are needed to deal with abusive incidents that you have survived. Be as gentle and patient with yourself as you would be with a friend who is struggling with similar issues. rubyjane

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Replies to "Hi, Sally, I also periodically have vividly colored dreams that have such fine detail that I..."

What a kind reply. Sorry for what you have gone through, but it is comforting to know there is someone that totally understands. I have yet to find a place I know I will sleep better. The over the counter small dose of Lithium has been some help. My son-in-law is an acupuncturist and deals with herbs. He has been working with me and gave me some herbs that got me a very deep good night’s sleep. I still had dreams, but felt a small part of my brain got rest that I hadn’t experienced before.

I’ve wondered about being hypnotized. Anyone have any experience with it?

A qualified Hypnotist is difficult  to find.


That’s what I’m finding.