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Ascending Aortic Dilation - Ascending Aortic Aneurysm

Aortic Aneurysms | Last Active: Feb 16 9:39am | Replies (278)

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"Incidentental finding " of a 4.2 CM ascending aorta aneurysm on a CT. I am 66 . My Doctor plans f/u CT in March, started me on a 3rd blood pressure pill and cholesterol med to gain better control, told to continue treadmill and free weights at the gym I joined before the diagnosis and said life as usual. Why am I still panicky?? Can this be right?

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Really out of my comfort zone. Small community along the east coat South Carolina. I don't know healthcare here. MUSC in Charleston and DUKE in North Carolina. Really like my internal med Doctor and she has scheduled me with a cardiologist but not until March too. She is very laid back about it. More anxious now:(

Hello @laverne, I'm so glad to see that you just joined Mayo Connect, welcome! I understand how panicky we can get when these "incidental findings" are discussed. Waiting until March for a follow up scan seems like a long time when you are thinking about an ascending aorta aneurysm. Don't forget that it is always OK to get a second opinion. If you have a university or large research hospital in your area, that is a good place to start. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Mayo Connect is a great online community for people who have health concerns. Best wishes!

I'd also like to invite @ginko @kdh1 @jpmerk @dixitworld @amiscott32 @lynnw @grandmajan to join in – I'm certain they will have some valuable insights and information to share intros group.

Hello @nancykare and welcome to Mayo Connect,

Your concern about your new cardiac diagnosis is certainly understandable. Here is some information from Mayo Clinic's website with some information regarding this disorder, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/thoracic-aortic-aneurysm/symptoms-causes/syc-20350188. I would encourage you to read this information. In most cases, the more a person understands their health condition, the better prepared they can be to ask good questions of their medical team and seek out the best treatment.

You mentioned getting a second opinion. This is always a wise decision. You mention living in Florida, there is a Mayo Clinic facility in Jacksonville, FL. If you like to set up an appointment there for a second opinion, here is some information about making an appointment:

"Mayo Clinic works with hundreds of insurance companies and is an in-network provider for millions of people. In most cases, Mayo Clinic doesn't require a physician referral. Some insurers require referrals, or may have additional requirements for certain medical care. All appointments are prioritized on the basis of medical need, and the team members who will care for you or your family have the expertise and skills to provide the best care possible."

Mayo Clinic in Florida
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday

I look forward to hearing from you again. If you are comfortable sharing more, what symptoms led you to the diagnosis?


Hi! I just found out a month ago that I have a 4.0 ascending aortic aneurysm. My calcium score was 116. I saw my cardiologist and have another appointment in 2 months. I am very nervous about this. I am 67. My sister who is 60 has the same thing. She has know about it for 5 or 6 years with no change. I would love a second opinion -- I live in Florida.

Thanks everyone. I do wish I could go to Mayo Clinic . I am up in Canada and really hope the doctor is up on all this. I will do my best not to worry to much. Follow up is in October. I am 63 and in reasonable condition, non smoker no hypertension, a little high cholesterol and maybe 10 lbs over weight. I will do my best to follow all instructions. I guess if abdominal pain returns I will just be a thorn in the doctors side. LOL

Diagnosed with BAV and a 5.4cm aortic aneurysm. It was found during treatment for something else. I decided I wanted a second opinion and was referred to Mayo Clinic. In 9 days I will be having a CT Scan, Echo and labs done. Consult with the surgeon will follow. I am very anxious. I've never even had a broken bone or anything serious happen to me.

Hi Laverne,
I think I would be careful of the free weights: I was told not to lift more than 25 lbs. It is my understanding that the CT scan measures the aneurysm on the bias (and will measure larger) and the echo measures it straight across the artery. To limit the amount of radiation you are getting, you may wish to discuss having the monitoring done via echos. Hopefully the aneurysm will be stable.

I joined this group today. I am a 73 YO female and have a lot of heart issues that worry me: CAD, Valvular Disease (aortic and mitral), ascending aortic aneurysm (3.9 CM as measured on an echo). The CAD was diagnosed 11 years ago through a calcium scan and then I began treatment with a cardio and had all the usual tests. I guess I am most concerned about having a heart attack and not know what is happening as the female experience is so different from that of males. I am also worried that I will be in a situation where immediate treatment is not available, such as on a plane or while riding a bike on a trail. I am appreciating reading the experiences of others with similar diagnosis's.

Hi Laverne, I wanted to add my welcome. I'm thrilled to see you've connected with Teresa.
I'd also like to bring in other members who may have experiences to share. Please meet @morninglory @elsinann @teatime @thegoodwife @thankful and @ch246cf10.

Laverne, did you see these related Connect discussions?
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm http://mayocl.in/2bC9oIY
- Large ascending aorta in young healthy 45 year old woman http://mayocl.in/2gwDknX