Alternatives for pain management

Posted by grandmaR @grandmar, Mar 31, 2018

I was wondering if anyone tried cryo therapy or medical marijuana for pain management. If you did, how did they/it work?
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Hi. I've just joined as I've just started taking the Holland and barratts cbd oil 2.75%.I'm on mst morphine 30mg twice a day,and oramorph 10mg 3x day for breakthrough pain. So I substituted my night time morphine tablet for the oil.i do have to take quite a lot of drops under my tongue(about 6 or 7)But I don't have my night time pain,and I sleep right through the night. only problem is I dream so much but remember the dreams so they must be about 6 hours into not having morphine, so I'm guessing they're withdrawal from not having my last morphine tablet before sleep. So for me(last Xmas I came off 75mcg of fentanyl patches in 4 days,but I had bronchitis and was already ill. I only had 4 horrible nights )it does help,but I am also going to try stop my interim morphine liquid and replace with cbd oil. So for me I would say it works however I need a stronger percentage with my level of chronic pain

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@jfisherly I'm going to try what Eileen says works for her 2-600 mg B complex with 2,Tylenols Maybe I can finally get of the Tramadol ,will see if it helps me


I get relief from pain by laying out in the high noon sun. The UVB rays that’s only available during that time of the day creates vitamin D3 inside of my skin by the transformation of the cholesterol in the skin. I also take vitamin K2 to keep my blood calcium low to prevent calcification of the arteries and heart. Magnesium is also needed when getting vitamin D. A little zinc and vitamin a also works with D3 and K2 . Remember don’t take K2 with the older blood thinners like warfarin. The newest class of blood thinners can be used safely with vitamin K2. D becomes a hormone that helps relieve pain naturally. But I’m not giving medical advice. Talk to your dr.

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I find guarana amazing, it's not like you suddenly get hyperactive or anything and your brain can't settle, for its a steady consistent flow of energy that just helps me do extra things, and feel proud of what I've accomplished, I can then stay awake during the day and not nap, at all, or at very least not sleep as long in the day nap, so I get good quality longer sleep at night. The hemp /cbd oil, also contributes to the longer better quality of sleep too. As we know if we feel very exhausted we can also feel pain so much more.

I drink green teas and fruit teas all the time as an alternative to most people's coffees as I don't like coffee that much these days. Also organic apple cider some juice is really good, however I've not been able to afford it for a few weeks. But I'll get some back soon.


I get relief from pain by laying out in the high noon sun. The UVB rays that’s only available during that time of the day creates vitamin D3 inside of my skin by the transformation of the cholesterol in the skin. I also take vitamin K2 to keep my blood calcium low to prevent calcification of the arteries and heart. Magnesium is also needed when getting vitamin D. A little zinc and vitamin a also works with D3 and K2 . Remember don’t take K2 with the older blood thinners like warfarin. The newest class of blood thinners can be used safely with vitamin K2. D becomes a hormone that helps relieve pain naturally. But I’m not giving medical advice. Talk to your dr.

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May I ask what is guarana ?


@Gail do you like the pickle juice it's good

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I must have missed something about pickle juice. I do enjoy dill pickles and the juice. I use one that is low salt and no GMO's. I am mostly a water person. I did purchase some CBD oil and I did sleep some better last night. I can no longer use ginger root as it causes pins and needles. Turmeric tea is hard to find w/o ginger. We are all different in what helps. Looking at my little flower garden helps me. The Day Lilies are almost finished for this season. 🙁


@Gail do you like the pickle juice it's good

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@parus when you get a sudden leg cramp drink pickle juice it relieved the cramps so you don't get cramps make sure you get your magnesium along with Vi t D3 ,at night pickle juice is used when a cramp begins.Love the daylilly those are on my list of favorites ,star lillies are also beautiful.I use to have success in growing violets have you drawn any of them?Just looking at your pictures of photos are relaxing thanks


@lioness Thank you. I take magnesium w/ D3 as well as calcium. I am happy you enjoy the media I at times add. I take photos in my secret garden and use them for reference in the winter. The flowers help give me rest and relaxation. My favorite time is early morning with a cuppa on my patio.



Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical professional and cannot give medical diagnosis or medical solutions to problems. I do offer my experience, knowledge, and support for members of the community. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I am very impressed that you are working to withdraw from your morphine regimen using CBD oil. I have found CBD to be very valuable in my own withdrawal from Tramadol. I agree that you may need to seek a stronger version of CBD:THC since you are on such strong pain medications. Would you be willing to share with us the reason you need pain management? Understanding your situation will help us to be more helpful in our feedback and support of you.
- How long have you needed medication for pain?
- What is your physical situation?
- Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal?
- Is your physician aware that you're using a CBD:THC drug? The reason I ask this is because my physician told me if they drug test me & I ever show marijuana or CBD in my urine, he would stop prescribing other pain drugs and kick me out of the Pain Clinic. That just made me more determined to get off the prescriptions and use only CBD:THC for my pain. I have been successful.

Please help us get to know you better in the near future. You will find acceptance, non judgemental support and lots of ideas as part of Mayo Connect.

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Hi Gail I am currently on day one of no tram. After many many years.
After being rx tram years ago for cervical disc herniation and stenosis I found myself addicted.
At the worst it was 1000 mg daily
Now after two weeks my last team was 300 mg yesterday.
This am I took 12 mg hydrocodone and 20 mg of sativa edible.
I want off all this junk in my heart then my head starts panicking ( its hard to think of how to live off the tramadol when you taken it for years ) I don’t know what life looks like without it if that make sense.
But I want to b DONE BUT THE W/d scare me to death. I know the hydro is just delaying w/d but if I could find someway to curb the psy w/d of tram ( the anxiety rls hot cold flash and insomnia) even just by 50% or so I think I can do it
I have to b able to function during the day since I have family, and nobody really know what I’m going through
So any words of advise etc. would be a god send .



Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical professional and cannot give medical diagnosis or medical solutions to problems. I do offer my experience, knowledge, and support for members of the community. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I am very impressed that you are working to withdraw from your morphine regimen using CBD oil. I have found CBD to be very valuable in my own withdrawal from Tramadol. I agree that you may need to seek a stronger version of CBD:THC since you are on such strong pain medications. Would you be willing to share with us the reason you need pain management? Understanding your situation will help us to be more helpful in our feedback and support of you.
- How long have you needed medication for pain?
- What is your physical situation?
- Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal?
- Is your physician aware that you're using a CBD:THC drug? The reason I ask this is because my physician told me if they drug test me & I ever show marijuana or CBD in my urine, he would stop prescribing other pain drugs and kick me out of the Pain Clinic. That just made me more determined to get off the prescriptions and use only CBD:THC for my pain. I have been successful.

Please help us get to know you better in the near future. You will find acceptance, non judgemental support and lots of ideas as part of Mayo Connect.

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@pschoen, am I correct in assuming that your PCP is in charge of this effort on your part? I hope he is aware of your situation and is advising you accordingly. He is your best source, I would think, in a planned reduction or elimination of Tramadol. Obviously I cannot give you medical advice, as I couldn't even pass chemistry in college. ( There's a story behind that. But I will save it for later.) But, having done volunteer work in a treatment facility working with rehab patients, there are a few tricks that might help things along. First, drink lots of pure, filtered water. Or if you choose to, you could try the bottled electrolyte water. It won't save the planet, but it is awesome for your body. Second, walk in the fresh air with the sun on your face. Do this for at least fifteen minutes for starters. You can always do more as your strength builds up. The endorphins will help you feel so much better. These are natural substances that your own body produces Third, if you can handle the natural sugars found in fruit juice, now is the time to drink freely of them. Better yet, alternate drinking juice with eating the whole fruit. Better for us anyway. Snack on almonds and cashews, sunflower seeds, if your diet can tolerate it. Make sure you take proper vitamins and minerals. Oh, there are so many things. heating pads, of course. Ice packs. I take Mobic when I have overdone things, or I have a flare. I will be praying for you! Healing is hard work. But it is so worth it! Hope to hear from you. Love and light,



Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical professional and cannot give medical diagnosis or medical solutions to problems. I do offer my experience, knowledge, and support for members of the community. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I am very impressed that you are working to withdraw from your morphine regimen using CBD oil. I have found CBD to be very valuable in my own withdrawal from Tramadol. I agree that you may need to seek a stronger version of CBD:THC since you are on such strong pain medications. Would you be willing to share with us the reason you need pain management? Understanding your situation will help us to be more helpful in our feedback and support of you.
- How long have you needed medication for pain?
- What is your physical situation?
- Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal?
- Is your physician aware that you're using a CBD:THC drug? The reason I ask this is because my physician told me if they drug test me & I ever show marijuana or CBD in my urine, he would stop prescribing other pain drugs and kick me out of the Pain Clinic. That just made me more determined to get off the prescriptions and use only CBD:THC for my pain. I have been successful.

Please help us get to know you better in the near future. You will find acceptance, non judgemental support and lots of ideas as part of Mayo Connect.

Volunteer Mentor

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@pschoen ,mamacita is so correct bein a retired nurse she has called this as I would There are so many things you can do to help yourself one thing is to just say No to people ,you need to take care Of yourself so you can have the life you want.While your walking in the sunshine talk to God tell him your problems and then listen to his answer it will come to you out of the blue He is our source to overcome are difficulties be it drugs or something else. Get a good multivitamin mineral Drinking plenty of water will start to detox your body of what's causing your pain Soak in Epsom salts t get Magnesium into you Find a Dr that can help you get of not only Tramadol but hydrocodone narcotic.I,'ll be praying for you as this is tough ,stay strong like a lion I have a fractured back,bulging disc was On Tramadol 6a day but with Dr.s help he took me of 1 week at a time Being on heavy narcs at the time for months so you can do this we are all here for you Let us know how your doing.,Light @ love



Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical professional and cannot give medical diagnosis or medical solutions to problems. I do offer my experience, knowledge, and support for members of the community. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I am very impressed that you are working to withdraw from your morphine regimen using CBD oil. I have found CBD to be very valuable in my own withdrawal from Tramadol. I agree that you may need to seek a stronger version of CBD:THC since you are on such strong pain medications. Would you be willing to share with us the reason you need pain management? Understanding your situation will help us to be more helpful in our feedback and support of you.
- How long have you needed medication for pain?
- What is your physical situation?
- Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal?
- Is your physician aware that you're using a CBD:THC drug? The reason I ask this is because my physician told me if they drug test me & I ever show marijuana or CBD in my urine, he would stop prescribing other pain drugs and kick me out of the Pain Clinic. That just made me more determined to get off the prescriptions and use only CBD:THC for my pain. I have been successful.

Please help us get to know you better in the near future. You will find acceptance, non judgemental support and lots of ideas as part of Mayo Connect.

Volunteer Mentor

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Thank u lioness
At this moment I am trying to sleep but chest is burning and have the restless body stuff. I had 3 gr Kratom at like 7:00 abc just took a 5 mg Vicodin and 5 mg flexeril otc GABA hoping it will help sleep I call my dr today but of course never got called back so will try him again in morning only have 5 coco and 15 or so flexeril left as far as rx go do have maybe 1.5 oz of kraytom but not sure it’s helpibg
Sorry about spelling and punctuation don’t feel like checking it all

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