Bipolar 2, Total Knee Replacement Revision: Apply for Disability?
Hi everyone. I have not been here for awhile, so a lot of you probably don't know my story. It's just hard to get moving a lot of days. Anyhow, I'm 73, divorced, and have moved closer to where my 2 girls live, about 4 hours away from my "home" .... that was 3 years ago. I do get S.S. and my son does help me a bit. Several years before I moved here, I had a breakdown, and have been diagnosed with Bipolar 2. I also had a total knee replacement 5 years ago, and 1 year afterwards had to have a revision (a total re-doing of the TKR) The ups and downs are crazy making, and while they're not as severe as Bipolar 1, I'm heavier on the depression side. A "manic" time would be just normal for others. I drive back to my therapist every other week, and also see my Psychiatrist afterward for the medication Rx's. Several people down here where I now live have told me I should apply for disability since I just don't have the push most days to do anything. I'm tired, worn out, and just want to be left alone .... I don't want to work, but if I must I must. Can any of you give me any input on what qualifies a person for disability? Thanks.
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I'm dealing with the same issues as everyone else across the US.
Although the CDC is now saying these were guidelines, not law, the data was bad not based on evidenced-based science; they opened a Pandora’s box for both politicians and insurance companies.
If a doctor prescribes over a certain limit, the DEA will red flag the practice and it gives insurance companies a reason to deny coverage.
There are practices that no matter what the diagnosis will only prescribe 40 MME’s.
How does that make sense?
All painful conditions are not equivalent!
Why? Because there’s a segment of society that does not value life and will inject anything into their bodies knowing that they could die!
Side note:
Yesterday, I read a news article about 3 hospital admissions due to IV injection of wasp poison and methamphetamine combo.
The government is imposing guidelines on legitimate chronic pain patients to prevent these drug addicts from killing themselves.
Their parents go to DC. appealing to our government to stop the deaths yet they often leave out the ugly side of the death. I’m sure their child may have had a future and looked sweet at 12 years old. By the time they died at 19-30 years old, that potential was gone and take away all the prescription drugs on the market, they will find another chemical to shoot into their veins!
@christy363 I am so with you. I think this Opioid crisis is simply cruel to people who are suffering from severe and chronic pain. OH they talk all over the news these stories about people who have lost their loved ones because of shooting drugs and believe me if I lost a child or someone dear to me because of them I don't know how I would go on. But I personally don't know how I personally will go own w/o my pain meds. People shouldn't have to suffer because of other peoples mistakes. I tell you suicide rates will go sky high. But I wonder why you never hear these stories on tv or in the newspaper of social media. Who is keeping them quite. Something doesn't sound so kosher when you think about it. Were is our voice? why is it not being heard?