Barrett’s esophagus

Posted by jvanstratten @jvanstratten, Mar 22, 2018

Looking for info and help with Barret’s esophagus. I can’t figure out just how serious this is. I have read way too much online! I don’t really know how strict my diet really has to be. It is really stressful-. Does anyone here have it? And exactly how serious is it?

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Well clearly I need to drink more vodka and whiskey! 😂😂😂


Actually I don’t drink. But I’m so surprised that vodka and whiskey are neutral on the ph scale!


I haven't had a drink in 14yrs and won't start now. I'll look for carrot juice next time I'm at the store.


Thank you for sharing your story @konniehoover. I also had Nissen fundiplication about four years ago. Sadly it did not end my need to take Prevacid.
The surgeries I am having now are called radio frequency ablation. They are for sections of my Barrett’s esophagus that have developed low-grade dysplasia. I am hoping there is someone out there who sees this who has had radio frequency ablation who can tell me how long it took them to recover after the procedure. I hope you have a great new year!

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I had Radio frequency ablation at Mayo’s and it cleared my Barrett’s. After my treatments it took about 5 days to heal but I am so glad it removed the affected tissue. I still take omeprazole and Zantac as a preventative


That's great news Marsha! Do you have to stay on the low acid diet for life?


I haven't had a drink in 14yrs and won't start now. I'll look for carrot juice next time I'm at the store.

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I found carrot juice at the store but but it contained lemon juice which is no go.


I had Radio frequency ablation at Mayo’s and it cleared my Barrett’s. After my treatments it took about 5 days to heal but I am so glad it removed the affected tissue. I still take omeprazole and Zantac as a preventative

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@marsha357 I have an endoscopy scheduled next month to check on my Barretts.

That’s interesting that they cleared yours up but you still need to take omeprazole. Does having had Barretts put you at a greater risk than if you had not had it? You take both omeprazole and Zantac? I take 20mg of omeprazole every morning.


@contentandwell Most people who have had Barrett's caused by a loose sphincter/hiatial hernia that is inoperable would probably be on a PPI type medication for life according to my Mayo Gastro. MD. Mine is not correctable because where the Barrett's is located where a wrap or the ring would prevent the MD to see if the Barrett's returned. I too take a generic Nexium 40 MG 2 x a day plus a Zantac.

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