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Dear VGball - The reason prunes work is because they contain boron. Boron helps with osteoporosis,. The big debate is about how much to take. I started taking it a year ago for osteoporosis, and ALL of my rheumatoid and osteoarthritis symptoms have vanished - and also fibromyalgia. I used to be in horrible, unbearable pain. My hands were in so much pain, I couldn't even change my sheets very well - I just lay the clean sheets on the bed. Now I can crochet and play piano again!!! Boron is clearly very beneficial - it is just not clear how much to take. The current upper level is 20 mg per day. I am taking 9-12 mg per day and I am pain free. There is a doctor named Dr. Jorge Fleches, who trained at Loma Linda (that's very good), who takes boron for his osteoporosis. He is taking 30 mg of boron per day, if I heard right. I know of some people who are taking 75-125 mg per day. Estrogen in your body becomes amplified at those high doses. I have decided to increase my daily dose to 20 mg. My osteoporosis is extremely severe at -5.7. I am very anxious to get a new DEXA scan, but it has to wait until the pandemic is over. I have no immune system and I currently have shingles in my eyes, nose, neck, shoulder and back (a stress reaction following the death of my sweet baby, a 38-year old parrot who was the love of my life). Last time I got this sick, it took me six months to recover - and I'm not even at the halfway mark. But I digress. You can buy boron in 3 mg capsules for very little money - it is cheap. You can also use Borax. There is a Facebook group about boron - and they can give you dosing information. I highly recommend the Osteoporosis Natural Remedies group on Facebook - so much great information there. But please check into boron - or eat your prunes. Oh by the way, Dr. Fleches reports he has not lost any more of his height since he started taking boron - and it has been many years.

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Replies to "Dear VGball - The reason prunes work is because they contain boron. Boron helps with osteoporosis,...."

@parrotqueen It is thought that Boron may be helpful for osteoporosis but from what I have read Borax is not recommended for human consumption, it’s pretty iffy.

I knew prunes were good for osteoporosis but did not realize it was because they contain boron. The recommended dosage I have seen is 6 prunes a day, but that’s too much for me. Despite having the typical constipation from calcium, 6 prunes causes an extreme opposite reaction! I think three is my “sweet spot”.

Thank you!!!! I’m sorry about your loss and shingles 😰. I knew prunes was boron but didn’t know I could take it separately. It is in one of my osteoporosis supplements but a smaller amount.