Can I go from daily Morphine to pain control from CBD oil

Posted by 1oldcarnut @1oldcarnut, Mar 16, 2018

I am new at this, so please give me some leeway.
I currently take 2 60mg ER morphine with 3 30 mg fast acting for break thru pain. I have been at this amount for at least 6 years now.
There are many problems taking morphine and with the current anti drug climate I am looking for other ways to manage my pain.

My hopes lean in the direction of CBD oil, and I have had some good results with it so far. It probably will work from 50 to 60% of the time.
I am thinking that I can use CBD oil with THC for the times CBD doesn't work by itself.
One hope I have is I will not be as physically dependent on the CBD and THC as I am on Morphine. Maybe even have some normal days.

My question to the group is, Has any one had any experience in this regard? Will the CBD with THC help me with my withdrawal from the morphine?
My actual time on morphine is close to 14 years. The hardest question is will I be jumping from the frying pan to the fire?

I know I am asking a lot but any help or personal experience would be a great help.

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Medicinal marijuana is not legal in all states. It’s fully legal in some states. Some allow medical some are fully legal, some are medical and decriminalized. I would google “is medical marijuana legal in “insert your state” to find out more info. There is a website that shows the legality by state and is updated very often as laws are changing quickly.


I'm currently on day 3 of withdrawing from 70mg of methadone and heroin daily. I've been taking methadone daily for the past 2 and a half years. Abusing the heroin for 8. Every time in the past I've attempted to stop the opiates by day 3 I'd be squirming in pain and so out of my mind in misery I'd buckle and go use. This time I had an opportunity to leave my current surroundings to detox using thc oil. Mind you thc oil is different from cbd oil. From what I've experienced in the past 3 days and what I've been told is you need the thc oil for the healing properties it offers. I've been taking heavy doses of the oil religiously. Whenever I start to get uncomfortable take a huge dropper full of oil. This stuff is a miracle. Im so shocked at how well I feel considering the circumstances. With addiction I think it's important to also change locations if possible. It's easier to detox knowing you can't just run down the road and grab some thing. With these little things I do believe you can beat opiod withdrawal. As well as absolutely detox using ThC oil. There's still going to be some discomfort. The oil really does help with the worst of it. I actually have a bit of an appetite which is nice. Generally in this state food just doesn't mix well. Hope this helps some one out there. Remember oil is from Gods earth. It's safer than any pharmaceutical out there.

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I’m there with you. Same thing. Hope it’s going well. I’m on day 5 of a dose reduction, switch from 90mg hydromorph to 30mg oxy to 90mg codeine. I feel better than I have any right to. Works on cravings too. But I need 150mg 3 times daily.


Hey, I've seen alot of folks advising you to ask your doctor. I of course dont disagree but what you may find is your doctor may not be able to fully disclose their opinions to you since Cannabis and CBD oil is illegal in the USA. I'm in Canada and in 3 days Oct 15th 2018 (I believe that's the official day) cannabis in all forms will become legal across the country and there is much discussion about what this will bring. In addition to perhaps not being allowed to enter the USA (booo) this will begin a huge boon of information and studies so information will be available for folks in your situation. Even here, Doctors are shy to fully share with patients until the legality changes. However, there has been much evidence from individual reporting of pain management from CBD oil. My guess is you would just experiment slowly and see what happens! Perhaps within a few months call a physician in Canada or continue looking online because alot will be changing up here in terms of information and our doctors will be able to publish their findings and share info with patients with less hesitation.
Honestly, anytime we try as patients to blend western medicine with eastern or a more holistic approach, the information is lacking and its really up to us to try things out carefully and share our results. Maybe one day the two will be more easily interchangable, but I fear that may not be easy with the profit driven pharmaceutical influence. Unless of course, pharmaceutical companies get involved in Cbd oil, in which case the studies and results will come at us all faster than we could imagine!
Anyway, good luck , and stay focused on Canadian health over the next little bit as things change here. Perhaps that will give the USA a reason to double check their antiquated laws!

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Really well stated. From another Canuck, no less. My background is research and pharmacology. You nailed it!


I had been taking Tramact for a few yrs and just cut it down over a week once I started on CBD oil. I am not sure about Morphine which is stronger,I am allergic to that as I found after a hysterectomy (vomiting and headache ). I have to say I don't think Opiods really worked on my pain anyway. I still have pain but now my body feels less inflammed, I have better days and some not so good but now I go with the flow. I have to say I feel no worse without the Tramacet I am certainly not as bed tempered. I was awful and I knew I was but couldn't stop snapping my husbands head off,it's a wonder he didn't leave. Talk to your Dr and the folks in the pot shop are usually very informative.


I had been taking Tramact for a few yrs and just cut it down over a week once I started on CBD oil. I am not sure about Morphine which is stronger,I am allergic to that as I found after a hysterectomy (vomiting and headache ). I have to say I don't think Opiods really worked on my pain anyway. I still have pain but now my body feels less inflammed, I have better days and some not so good but now I go with the flow. I have to say I feel no worse without the Tramacet I am certainly not as bed tempered. I was awful and I knew I was but couldn't stop snapping my husbands head off,it's a wonder he didn't leave. Talk to your Dr and the folks in the pot shop are usually very informative.

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It will not help with the withdrawal much. I used heroin for 7 years. It's the hardest thing I ever had to come off of. You can do might sucks pretty bad for days weeks....I still didnt feel quite normal after months...CBd will help but coming off it the first week..there is not much that will help...alot of it is in your mind after you get over the worst of it your body withdrawing...there is suboxone you can look into that getting off opioids hope this helped and I quit cold Turkey for a few months but decided it would be better to do suboxone for awhile...I have been clean for over a year


Dude just get weed for all occasions, morning weed(sativa), daily weed( whatever u enjoy during the in between boring hours/ and night weed(Indica dominant) for obvious reasons and yes HEAVY CBD will help with the Psychosis’s takeover of the brain from lowering the opiate.
But u gotta load up with everything from my pepto(just in case. I didn’t need) hunker down for few months(lot o weed, lot o hydration, few vitamins don’t go crazy lotto rest unless u feel like doing something...that’s even better if possible and just start lowering the breakthrough instant release opiate crap first.
You will get down to the base morph your 2 60mg, stay for a week then go down to 3 30mg morph and a “belbuca strip or 2 just in case... then start breaking a little piece(like a crescent moon shape) off the 30mg morph each time you take one!so your really only taking 20mg or so(just don’t crush or snort) breaking a piece offf and not taking it does not affect either piece, then start raking halves or 15s and just keep on going!!! but with enough weed you can eventually lower your morphine to practically nothing..... I did it!!!
And I was same as u...I’m goin on 8 months with no breakthrough meds, maintenance nalaxone strips, but I don’t think u will need strips the younger u are the stronger u r do it before u get to old bro

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@billdup Seriously dude?? Still using lots of weed?


@billdup Seriously dude?? Still using lots of weed?

Jump to this post my experience, I've met potheads that just happen to find some relief in their marijuana. Then, I've met chronic pain sufferers than have found relief in marijuana. The difference is, the long time users actually revel in it, are just so excited to see others turn on to their long enjoyed pleasure. They step in to these discussions armed with all kind of info, some rather useful, but are just so excited because there has been legitimacy found in, may I call it...their vice? I am ambivilent about the legalization of marijuana, and am not prejudiced against users but intelligent conversation is difficult when they are high. Even that is not so bad....intelligent conversation is difficult for my brain damaged brain, anyway. Maybe, if I myself had found grass to be the panacea for me, I too would be giddy, lol. But it's their giddiness, and high, smily faces that somehow gets under my skin. Again, when chronic pain patients use it, find benefit, I am pleased. I'm even pleased longtime users do not have to suffer, really.... Anyway, just opinion, which either one will identify with...or not. Not having a horse in this race, if one disagrees, I respect that.


I would say that Cbd/Thc will never be as good as opioids but they will help, opioids are great for pain. Too bad a doctor is forced to make someone
Suffer by choosing to be bullied into cutting off opioids.


John I liked the article about extroverted introverts this sounds like me thanks for article

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What article. Can’t find it


What article. Can’t find it

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@jdiakiw here is the article I think @lioness mentioned.

6 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert

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