Mental Health Equals No Medical Help

Posted by Parus @parus, Mar 1, 2018

My experience and hopefully this is not true for so many others. I do not have a history of physical pain with depression. Easier to kick someone to the curb if it does not show up in blood work.

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Am I the only one who is experiencing the problem of receiving adequate medical care???


Hi, @parus -- if I understand correctly, you're feeling like you get pooh-poohed or not taken seriously? If so, is this if you are seen for mental health concerns or unrelated medical concerns?


I am lucky. I have a wonderful psychiatrist. She listens and if I suggest something unless I am really off base she will go with my suggestion. But now if anyone else doesn't take me and my problems seriously or that they are not real I just beat the hell out of them and then I feel much better. Nah, I'm just joking. and usually, I try to explain to them about mental illness and if their really hard headed I just shut up and say a pray for them. Some people will never hear what you are saying.


Why I seldom have much to say. Not seeing a head doc as the ones I have seen only want to prescribe-how they are trained.


I am lucky. I have a wonderful psychiatrist. She listens and if I suggest something unless I am really off base she will go with my suggestion. But now if anyone else doesn't take me and my problems seriously or that they are not real I just beat the hell out of them and then I feel much better. Nah, I'm just joking. and usually, I try to explain to them about mental illness and if their really hard headed I just shut up and say a pray for them. Some people will never hear what you are saying.

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It is frustrating that even when you try talking to your mate, he just doesn't get it. I know some of my hang-ups are unusual, but they are part of me and I don't like them either.


Why I seldom have much to say. Not seeing a head doc as the ones I have seen only want to prescribe-how they are trained.

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Hi @parus. I feel like finding a great PCP, Mental Health Professional, obgyn, or any doctor takes much time and energy, especially if you are not feeling well to begin with.....I have switched out doctors more than is a process as in interviewing and it is important. The patient IS in control of who we choose as a doctor. We are doing the interview. This is our LIFE & Wellbeing. There are reviews. There are local people to talk to in every town and city that can refer good doctors, dentists and the like. Friends and family members can be good resources as well. Consultations with new doctors are not usually free but worth it for me...This is my Life.
There are lots and lots of holistic doctors out there which I have also received some good recommendations from regarding supplements and healthier living. I have recently moved to a new state so immediately I began looking for a doctor, dentist, etc. After 1.5 years I have found a wonderful and reasonable dentist. He is the third one I visited. I found a great doctor's group. They are of multinational countries as well as US citizens. I had one other doctor prior this group who I did not care for. I found a professional female psych nurse (she is a medical psychiatric nurse & is well studied in the effects of the medications she prescribes or does not prescribe). She knew and understood my wanting to get off of antidepressants and helped me taper completely off of the antidepressants. I like her because she is female. I only choose female docs....just my choice...they know our bodies better than a male would.....just my opinion....but also just makes sense to me being female.
I will continue to do research to protect my body and also to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. I do not care for going to doctors all of the time.......still I want the best in place for me in case I need to visit them for any reason.


For me the combination of a highly skilled Psychologist and also a Psychiatrist has been the key. I have given each of them permission to discuss my case with each other, and I believe that has helped a lot. My "fit" with both of these doctors has been excellent .... the therapy part has been mighty hard work, and the Psychiatrist I use does not just hand out Rx's at random. I think the best way to get the care you need and want, is to use this combination of highly skilled professionals. I know they both have helped keep me standing and not "ending it" many times, and for that I'm so grateful. So, for me, the mental health care I receive is excellent, but do your research on each of them, and also ask friends (if you're comfortable doing that) whom you know are getting good care whom they use.

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