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@glinda, We miss you!
I am sending you a virtual hug along with my prayers. I hope this message finds you doing well, or makes you feel better by knowing how much I care.

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@rosemarya, hi sorry it's been awhile since i have written anything have been doing physical therapy with my legs and I have had my final surgery from the accident on my stomach they were able to due the ostyme reversal on my stomach on the 5th of July and they also removed my gallbladder so now I am healing from that they left the wounds open on my stomach so I do wet to dry bandaging 3 times a day but the wounds are almost healed now and I saw the general surgeon yesterday (the3rd) and they say it looks great but I do have to go back on the 27th to see the surgeons again for a final recheck. I did spend a week and a half in the hospital due to my surgery as I had a couple minor complications due to the surgery had some minor bleeding and had to spend the night in the ICU to have another blood transfusion and then my bilirubin went up so they watched that along with my creating level as my kidneys weren't quite functioning right but was so glad when I could finally come home I am slowly improving my walking is better but not without the walker and with the walker it's slow going as my right hip doesn't want to shift when I need it to my left leg is still healing from the break in it due to where I broke it I also found out that I did actually fracture a vertabrea on the right side of my neck in the accident and did refractured the spot in my back that already had a compression fracture so as the doctors and I say I was very lucky to survive when I wasn't supposed to I'm just glad to be alive and walking even if it's a turtle pace and I have been trying to keep up with you guys on connect I missed talking with you all I do have to have more blood work on the tenth of this month as my creating level is at a 3 which is showing that my kidney function is not good they are hoping that it from the lasix I was on and now take only as needed and my prograf which they put me back on after the accident my prograf is a little high so they lowered my night time dose to see if that helps as I have at least 1 to 2 months left to take it before they start switching me back to the rapamune anti-rejection meds. Can't wait to go back on the rapamune then I won't have to worry about non stop headaches or migraines again and I finally got desensitized to my bactrim antibiotic again while I was in the hospital so glad for that as I was not on it for three and a half months. But as I said I'm healing good other then walking and my left leg but I have learned that it's okay to slow down and I have been lucky with not having any serious bouts of PTSD since I came home some mild anxiety but I still see my counselor but instead of monthly it's every two weeks and she gave me some coping mechanisms fory PTSD to help me when it comes up so I would say I'm getting back to a somewhat normal place for me was glad to hear from you and sorry it took so long to get back to you oh forgot to tell you I did have my surgery in Rochester MN and I did see my transplant team yesterday also they are the ones ordering the blood work just wish I could go off the sodium bicarbonate that I take twice a day but not until my creatnin comes down to normal and my kidneys are functioning normally again well I guess I better go for now time for a dressing change glad they don't hurt anymore take care

@glinda it’s been a very long road for you but thankfully it sounds like things are getting better. You seem to have a very positive attitude and I believe that’s a large part of the battle.