feet neuropathy

Posted by jlor @jlor, Feb 26, 2018

I have neuropathy, primarily my right foot bothers me a lot, feel I'm wearing a. Rey tight shoe, burning and tingling, it's terrible.
Are there any supplements to take to help with this, mine started 14 months ago, however, it went away last June and returned in December ?.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Jim, the funny thing, if it is funny, is that I'm able to sleep well at night. I wear the quell unit, it helped last year , not helping much now, it is basically like a distraction. Have tried lyrica, gabapentin, last year, now taking duloxetine and tramadol. No help so far.
Was looking into the implant. Was looking into the BURSTDR STIMULATION,
Also driving is becoming very painful, as it is basically my right foot. tested negative for small fiber neuropathy last year. Again, these symptoms went away from June to December last year. I'll try anything to get some relief.

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My Medtronic stimulator helps only 20 percent!


Hello @jlor, welcome to Mayo Connect. We are glad you found us and hoping you can find some answers. Can I ask how you found out you have neuropathy in your feet? Did your doctor have any nerve tests done to determine if you have neuropathy?

Mayo Clinic has a symptom checker that you may want to take a look at:
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptom-checker/foot-pain-or-ankle-pain-adult/related-factors/itt-20009075

Also, burning/tingling feet can be an indication of diabetic neuropathy if you have diabetes. I'm tagging @gman007 and @jimhd to see if they have any suggestions. In the meantime you might want to read through the active discussion "Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group". Here is the link to the discussion:
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/living-with-neuropathy-welcome-to-the-group/bookmark/?ajax_hook=action&_wpnonce=12a348c300


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I actually have not been seen or been diagnosed by a doctor. However, I have been doing a lot of research and the symptoms that everyone in this platform are describing are exactly what i have been experiencing the past year and a 1/2.
Have not seen a doctor, due to Covid.
This pain just started "Out of the Blue One Day"
I woke up one morning and could barely walk.
The Pain was in the upper part of my foot, between the middle and the crease that begins the front of the ankle joint (Right Foot)
At first the pain stayed a few weeks and then went away. A few months later, it was back!
It has continued to come and go randomly ever since.
Recently, the pain has become an incredible deep burning sensation, almost, in the bones themselves.
The weird thing is, the pain moves at random every so often. It shows up closer to the middle part of the top of my foot and continues to where my toes begin..
TOP RIGHT FOOT NEAR ANKLE JOINT is it's favorite place.


I've tried using topical medication creams, wrapping it with athletes tape, massagers, soaking in epson's salts, LOTS of ADVIL, elevating my feet at night, Hot compress, Cold compress.
All have done some good, but just temporary.
Then randomly, IT'S GONE!
AND then, a few months later..... IT'S BACK!!!!
Thanks so much!!!


I actually have not been seen or been diagnosed by a doctor. However, I have been doing a lot of research and the symptoms that everyone in this platform are describing are exactly what i have been experiencing the past year and a 1/2.
Have not seen a doctor, due to Covid.
This pain just started "Out of the Blue One Day"
I woke up one morning and could barely walk.
The Pain was in the upper part of my foot, between the middle and the crease that begins the front of the ankle joint (Right Foot)
At first the pain stayed a few weeks and then went away. A few months later, it was back!
It has continued to come and go randomly ever since.
Recently, the pain has become an incredible deep burning sensation, almost, in the bones themselves.
The weird thing is, the pain moves at random every so often. It shows up closer to the middle part of the top of my foot and continues to where my toes begin..
TOP RIGHT FOOT NEAR ANKLE JOINT is it's favorite place.


I've tried using topical medication creams, wrapping it with athletes tape, massagers, soaking in epson's salts, LOTS of ADVIL, elevating my feet at night, Hot compress, Cold compress.
All have done some good, but just temporary.
Then randomly, IT'S GONE!
AND then, a few months later..... IT'S BACK!!!!
Thanks so much!!!

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Hello @jsailor, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. I know it's difficult when you have severe pain that comes and goes and nothing seems to help when the pain comes. It's great that you are trying to figure out the cause of your pain but your really need to see a orthopedic doctor or specialist to get to the bottom of what is causing your symptoms. As patients we can only share our symptoms, experiences and what has helped us.

There are many different conditions that share similar symptoms and sometimes doing your own research on the Internet can be a little scary and misleading. Are you able to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the symptoms and what you have tried to help with the pain?


Has anyone tried or heard of RFA-radio frequency ablation to deactivate the nerves in the toes that were damaged during surgery?


Has anyone tried or heard of RFA-radio frequency ablation to deactivate the nerves in the toes that were damaged during surgery?

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@martyk - There are a few discussions that discuss radiofrequency ablation.

-- Radiofrequency Ablation for SI joint pain: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/radiofrequency-ablation-for-si-joint-pain/
-- Knee and hip nerve ablation: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/knee-and-hip-nerve-ablation/

Here's some information from Mayo Clinic that discusses the procedure - "Radiofrequency neurotomy uses heat generated by radio waves to target specific nerves and temporarily turn off their ability to send pain signals. The procedure is also known as radiofrequency ablation. Needles inserted through your skin near the painful area deliver the radio waves to the targeted nerves." -- Radiofrequency neurotomy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/radiofrequency-neurotomy/about/pac-20394931


@martyk - There are a few discussions that discuss radiofrequency ablation.

-- Radiofrequency Ablation for SI joint pain: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/radiofrequency-ablation-for-si-joint-pain/
-- Knee and hip nerve ablation: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/knee-and-hip-nerve-ablation/

Here's some information from Mayo Clinic that discusses the procedure - "Radiofrequency neurotomy uses heat generated by radio waves to target specific nerves and temporarily turn off their ability to send pain signals. The procedure is also known as radiofrequency ablation. Needles inserted through your skin near the painful area deliver the radio waves to the targeted nerves." -- Radiofrequency neurotomy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/radiofrequency-neurotomy/about/pac-20394931

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Thank you John. I wonder if this treatment is effective for nerve pain in the toes that were damaged after two surgeries. I see where it might help the knees.


I actually have not been seen or been diagnosed by a doctor. However, I have been doing a lot of research and the symptoms that everyone in this platform are describing are exactly what i have been experiencing the past year and a 1/2.
Have not seen a doctor, due to Covid.
This pain just started "Out of the Blue One Day"
I woke up one morning and could barely walk.
The Pain was in the upper part of my foot, between the middle and the crease that begins the front of the ankle joint (Right Foot)
At first the pain stayed a few weeks and then went away. A few months later, it was back!
It has continued to come and go randomly ever since.
Recently, the pain has become an incredible deep burning sensation, almost, in the bones themselves.
The weird thing is, the pain moves at random every so often. It shows up closer to the middle part of the top of my foot and continues to where my toes begin..
TOP RIGHT FOOT NEAR ANKLE JOINT is it's favorite place.


I've tried using topical medication creams, wrapping it with athletes tape, massagers, soaking in epson's salts, LOTS of ADVIL, elevating my feet at night, Hot compress, Cold compress.
All have done some good, but just temporary.
Then randomly, IT'S GONE!
AND then, a few months later..... IT'S BACK!!!!
Thanks so much!!!

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I had almost the exact same thing happen starting in November 2021 several days after my first Shingles vaccine, it’s gotten so bad some days walking is excruciating and I’ve started having some tingling and numbness.


I had almost the exact same thing happen starting in November 2021 several days after my first Shingles vaccine, it’s gotten so bad some days walking is excruciating and I’ve started having some tingling and numbness.

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Hi @jumpersmom, I see that you have recently started posting and I would like to welcome you to Connect. You are not alone when it comes to neuropathy and foot pain. Sorry to hear you haven't found any relief for your symptoms yet. You may be interested in learning what others have shared and found helpful in the following discussion:

Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/member-neuoropathy-journey-stories-whats-yours/

If you want to learn more about neuropathy and complementary and integrative therapies, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some information you may find helpful here: https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/integrative-therapies/

Are you able to share a little more about your diagnosis and any treatments you've tried?

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