Diet for diabetes and stage 4 CKD - very confusing.

Posted by valb68 @valb68, Feb 8, 2018

Anyone with diabetes (on insulin 1x per day) and CKD stage 4? I have a difficult time balancing the two different diets. Anyone else with this problem?

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@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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Welcome to Connect, @weezielou
Living with diabetes, end-stage renal disease and dialysis, and making good nutrition choices must be challenging, especially with your sense of taste is affected. I'm bringing @2011panc and @gaybinator into this discussion to see if they may have some experiences to share.

WeezieLou, do you have type 1 diabetes? How do you manage balancing your taste for sweets and sugar counts?


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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Wish you well in your endeavour to make good food choices, @weezielou. Any help from a dietitian?


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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@weezielou, When I was on dialysis due to ESRD prior to my transplant, there was a nutritionist who consulted with me about how to eat. There were also some nutrition drinks that were recommended and helpful when I did not want to eat - I had very limited taste.

I admire your courageous attitude.
How are you feeling? What are you willing to share about how you are fulfilling goal to live your life best way possible
I think you could teach us a lot. I would enjoy more conversation with you.


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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@ weezielou, I lived with Type II diabetes over 30 years before I was able to get a pancreas transplant. I have been referred to nutritionists more time than I can remember. Through testing and monitoring people like me, changes to treating our diseases have improved. For example, Having a sweet or alcoholic drink occasionally will not kill you if you keep in in moderation. By moderation I mean A small piece of birthday cake and one piece of candy for each holiday. I can tell you that the longer you stay away from it the easier it will become. Secondarily, read the labels on everything. You will be surprised how many things have unnecessary added sugars.
My kidney disease is stage 3, so I am working hard to hold there and not progress to dialysis or needing a transplant. I started a low oxalate diet which has improved my kidney function and gotten me off the kidney transplant list.
I am glad you found this group, hopefully we can all learn some new things together. Blessings.


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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@2011panic. Admire your self-discipline as concerns your diet. May you have continued success!! With now only one kidney,trying to learn about its care and feeding!! My question is: what is a low oxalate diet?


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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@trishanna Oxalates are formed in the body and excreted through the kidneys. I have a list of foods and their oxalate levels that helps me make better choices from food available to me. Since I started the list has changed significantly and become much larger. The list I use was provided from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN


@valb68, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I understand that the balancing act can feel overwhelming.
I think that we can connect you with some other members who have also discussed their diabetes diets and/or CKD.

Is this a new diagnosis? Do you need resources? If you can share a little bit about yourself, I think we can better assist you.


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@2011panc Thanks for the information - will discuss this with my nephrologist cause I have had kidney stones.


Thank you, @cehunt57, for telling me your story. It is very helpful. Do you mind if I ask your age? My nephrologist hasn't discussed any of this. I'm beginning to realize that his main focus is on his current dialysis patients. He has said nothing about diet; my gfr is around 21, and he has not even mentioned dialysis or transplant at this point. He is the department head at a large university medical center! I think I will have to be more assertive. My father wasn't diabetic, but died from ESRD after 4 years on dialysis. Thanks again for your input.

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Are you saying that gfr got better, if so what did you do. Thanks


Thank you, @cehunt57, for telling me your story. It is very helpful. Do you mind if I ask your age? My nephrologist hasn't discussed any of this. I'm beginning to realize that his main focus is on his current dialysis patients. He has said nothing about diet; my gfr is around 21, and he has not even mentioned dialysis or transplant at this point. He is the department head at a large university medical center! I think I will have to be more assertive. My father wasn't diabetic, but died from ESRD after 4 years on dialysis. Thanks again for your input.

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@nellieb312, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am happy that you have found this discussion group. I want to help you find answers to your question and I am going to assume that you are directing this question to @cehunt57 about her GFR numbers. That is a very inspiring change, for sure!
I invite you to read and/or join in any conversation on any of the discussion groups that look interesting to you. It is perfectly correct to join in anywhere. If you want to direct your comment or question to a particular individual, just copy the @name of that person so they can know that you are speaking directly to them. But, that is an option, and not necessary all of the time.

Are you realizing changes in your GFR's? What other questions would you like to ask?
Let me know what I can do to help you.


I hear you. I'm type 1 diabetic since 1975 (with history of gastroparesis), post pancreas transplant in 2005, now stage IV CKD. I'm not on dialysis. I've been accepted/approved for kidney transplant and am listed with UNOS. I'm also looking for a living kidney donor. I've been on a low carb, sodium and fat diet for a long time and do carb counting to calculate insulin bolus dosages. I have a list of high fiber foods that I tend to avoid because while high fiber is great for managing cholesterol, blood sugar and weight; it wreaks havoc with my gastroparesis. I used to be high protein but since CKD I've been told to limit protein to a certain amount for my size/weight. I don't have fluid restrictions and I'm supposed to stay well hydrated. If/when I start dialysis there will be different requirements for protein, fluids, potassium, phosphorus etc. I've been given lists of foods that are high in potassium &/or phosphorus that I will need to attend to if/when that time comes but for now I've been told to eat according to what my labs dictate. My last 3 lab reports have been good. I am blessed and very thankful. This is what is working for me but since each person is different find a good dietician that can help you develop a plan that works for you.

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@cehunt57 Thanks to your timely posting, I was reminded to check with my nephrologist regarding diet - primarily oxalates. So much to remember that of course I forgot! On my next visit for sure. Glad to see your GFR rising!!!

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