← Return to Confused About Diet for Stage 3 or 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

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Hello to all members, moderators, and mentors. I was informed by my new PCP that I have stage 3 CKD. I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure. I went back to 2007 to see my lab tests and discovered that after all this time and 4 doctors, finally I am told that I have CKD! I am disappointed with the doctors. My new CKD did not send me to a kidney specialist or nutritionist. After my first shock, I started researching if I needed to change my diet. I saw I should eliminate bananas, oranges, tomatoes, beans, etc. My last 2 lab tests have been normal. I insisted with the doctor that I should see a nutritionist, so she gave me a referral. And then the pandemic happened. I will call the nutritionist to see if I can talk to someone.
However, I want to say that this discussion has been very helpful to me. I want to say thank you all, especially Kamama94 for all her input and book.
To all, I wish good health, be safe, think positively, and take good care of yourselves. Eliana

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Replies to "Hello to all members, moderators, and mentors. I was informed by my new PCP that I..."

@paiva, Hello and welcome to this forum. Your story sounds just like mine!

I was thunderstruck when diagnosed with stage 3 CKD. Also realized later that my kidney had shown GFR damage much earlier but never told. Had to insist on a nephrologist referral and then make 4 requests to pcp and neph. before finally getting a doc referral to nutritionist. That guy was terrific.

Did you feel panic like I did initially with the diagnosis? The Mayo group has been my salvation for getting over the initial fear. Now I know steps to take to better manage my condition.

Like you, I appreciate this kidney group so very much. So many excellent suggestions and links and personal experiences that have helped me on this new journey. Really hoping you can visit and receive diet plan help based on your lab values.

@kamama94 has provided such good input and I have tried many of her recipes, too. Also Devita.com is a source to explore if you haven't already. Are you using your lab results to help guide you with your meal planning?

@paiva I always like hearing that members feel the information they read here is helpful. Each one of us is unique, and we offer such great support to each other! I am in stage 3b, and holding steady with a eGFR about 34%. Diet and lifestyle choices play a major part in keeping us as healthy as possible, and yep, @kamama94 has done a lot of work to give us guidelines.

Here is Mayo clinic's information on Chronic Kidney Disease https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-kidney-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20354521 As you can see, there are varying causes and risk factors. My disease is caused by an ultra rare autoimmune kidney disorder.

We look forward to hearing how the renal dietician guides you. Other sources for information include rsnhope.org and davita.com
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