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~ Left my safe “nest," regretting move ~

Mental Health | Last Active: Dec 17, 2017 | Replies (18)

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Hi Abby, @amberpep

That sounds like a good plan. I understand what you mean about being directionally compromised. I call myself "directionally impaired and map skill deficient." It covers the whole thing - I even leave extra time for getting lost when I'm going somewhere I've never been before - it really is frustrating at times, isn't it?


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Replies to "Hi Abby, @amberpep That sounds like a good plan. I understand what you mean about being..."

OK, friends .... here goes. My upset with my therapist has turned into anger. WHY in the name of everything good, did he pick Christmas time to write this to me????? He KNOWS FULL WELL that Christmas is one of my hardest times of the year! Maybe my not being able to come up because of the accident ticked him off ..... he's human too. Well, I am pissed. (excuse please), and I am asking WHY NOW? I hope he thinks about this sometime in his spare moments and goes, "oops, probably not such a good time for that." You're damn right it wasn't. I know when I finally do see him, we are going to "discuss" this in a very direct, but courteous manner. He's the one that said "we need to dismantle "good Suzy" and let her "evil twin" come out now and then. He may be sorry he ever did that. No, I won't be nasty, but I definitely WILL be direct and he WILL know how it made me feel. After that? Who knows.
(sorry for the swearing friends)

Hi Teresa ..... it's good to hear from another directionally impaired person .... maybe we should start a group! One strange thing though ..... when I was still married and my then-husband was driving, I absolutely LOVED looking at the map! Nothing particular .... just looking .... sounds nuts, I know, but ..... what can I say?

@amberpep I agree Abby - us directionally impaired need our own group~ I can understand your enjoying maps - if only we could make sense of them - oh well, for another time. I hope you are feeling better today.
