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On going shortness of breath

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Apr 23, 2018 | Replies (59)

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Pulmonogolist scheduled me for a return in 6 months,am I supposed to sit around and continue to have breathing issues? This ai'nt living!! Time for a second opinion!!!

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Replies to "Pulmonogolist scheduled me for a return in 6 months,am I supposed to sit around and continue..."

Bored, I feel you. I've been having horrible trouble breathing. The last time in the hospital, my cardiologist said he was going to change my meds around. I went to the pulmonary doctor again and at the end of climbing stairs, I couldn't breathe to save my life, my pulse was over 122 but my oxygen saturation was still 98%. She just shook her head and told me she has no idea what is wrong. I have had thirty-five heart caths that have resulted in thirteen stents, 3 angioplasty's and a pacemaker and I still can't breath. I sent a letter off to my cardiologist today telling him I've given up. I have no idea where to turn now.

@racerjon, I don’t know what to say to you.  I don’t know in what
religion you were raised, so I’ll just pray to my God that He keeps and watches
over you.  I, too, have felt like giving up and it’s very scary. 
You’re not alone.  Take care, @cognac.  


Thank you for your supportive message, @cognac.

Hi @racerjon,

I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. I was doing some research online, and came across this information from Mayo Clinic, about pulmonary hypertension – a condition that "is hard to diagnose because it's not often detected in a routine physical exam. Even when the condition is more advanced, its signs and symptoms are similar to those of other heart and lung conditions." https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pulmonary-hypertension/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350702

Have you asked your cardiologist to rule out pulmonary hypertension or conditions related to it?

Thank you for the very informative answer @kanaazpereira. I do have hypertension but never knew there was such a thing as pulmonary hypertension. I will call my pulmonologist this morning and check into that. Thank you so very much.