← Return to my psychiatrist prescribed ENLYTE for depression.

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Realize this post is old but just wanted to let anyone know that Enlyte D is now classified as a medical food and no longer needs a prescription. You can purchase it directly from directvaluedispense.com. It's really a miracle super food. My daughter was on meds for depression and we eased off that and replaced it with the Enlyte D and it's made such a difference in her life. Really can't recommend it highly enough. It is expensive ($124 for a 90 day supply) but it works. Thanks

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Replies to "Realize this post is old but just wanted to let anyone know that Enlyte D is..."

If you use "directvaluedispense.com" the actual equivalent to Enlyte is called ENL on the website. The product is still made by JayMac the manufacturer of Enlyte and appears to have the same ingredients and formulation. Cureent cost as 4/3/2019 was 30 days @ $50 and 90 days @ $150 plus shipping. Also for those using a prescription buying through a pharmacy and your insurance won't cover the cost you can use the GoodRx coupon and cost is about $170 for 30 days.

Thank you for this post --- I am starting my 14 yr old son on EnbraceHR tonight (had to special order to pharmacy ) his Psych doc said Enlyte but the rep says insurance will pay for EnbraceHR and it is the same formula..... I am desperate to get something to work for my son as 3 drugs (SSRI) have done nothing --- he was genetically tested and he carries two mutations for MTHFR .... anymore information on how this is working or has continued to work for your daughter? My son is currently unable to attend school and has no motiviation - hopeless., thank you.