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For all you Neuropathy suffers I have found a group of supplements from a nerve Dr. that really work and have really helped me. The supplements are 100 mg of R-Lipoic Acid 2x's daily- 1500 mgs of Dr's Best B-12 3x''s daily--300 mgs of Dr's Best Benfotiamine 2x's daily--50 mgs of Zinc 1x daily. Please take only capsules as tablets take longer to dissolve and contain a lot of fillers and binding agents. You can buy these online R-Lopic Acid from Bestvite and the Zinc from Life Extension- the other two from Vitacost. My Neuropathy started about four years ago with severe burning and tingling in my left hand and both feet. Upon taking these supplements all I have is a little tingling sensation so you have nothing to lose vs taking dangerous drugs.

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Replies to "For all you Neuropathy suffers I have found a group of supplements from a nerve Dr...."

Hello @baldbill2, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Were you looking for a neuropathy discussion? You may want to join the following discussion so that you can meet other members discussing neuropathy and you can post what helps you as well as read what others have shared.

Groups > Neuropathy > Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/living-with-neuropathy-welcome-to-the-group/

@baldbill2 I'm glad you found something that works. My sister doesn't see a Neuropathy and does her own ordering of supplements. Glad to have you, I am new too. Stay well and laugh.