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This is probably not helpful, but it's my experience trying to taper of Lyrica (200mg once a day for fibromyalgia)...I wanted to get off Lyrica because I thought it was causing weight gain (like 5 pounds...silly of me). So my doctor said to just take it every other day, and then every three days, and then done. I was taking gabapentin as well, as needed. I had no physical symptoms, but I felt really anxious at the time because I had a lot of work stress, and I never connected it to the Lyrica. Then this happened: a sudden drop off the deep end of depression, two hospitalizations, weeks out of work on FMLA leave, four serious and nearly successful suicide attempts in two months. About 3 months in, I said to my best friend something about "at least I'm not getting fatter" and she gasped, dialed my psychiatrist (I was under strict supervision by friends at this point), who dialed my rheumatologist, who called in a prescription for Lyrica to the distant state where I was trying to convalesce. My best friend drove me to the pharmacy at a highly illegal speed and watched me (still protesting weight gain) take a capsule. The suicidal ideation was gone within 24 hours. The depression lifted to a manageable medium over the course of a week or so. The anxiety took quite a while to improve, but I think I was just born anxious. My psychiatrist and rheumie have agreed that I need to be on Lyrica for the foreseeable future, possibly for the rest of my life (I am only 33). This stuff changed me so dramatically that my brain was not willing to live without it. The advice I have for people weaning off is to pay attention to what your brain is telling you - is it telling you lies? - and remember that it's probably Lyrica withdrawal...and know if your body has had enough and you need to restart Lyrica and figure out another path.

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Replies to "This is probably not helpful, but it's my experience trying to taper of Lyrica (200mg once..."

I’ll be off Lyrica for a year I. Another week. Withdrawal from this horrendous drug did a number on me. It’s worse then heroine withdrawal I’ve been to.d. It put me in a state of severe depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I ended up in the ER for dehydration and nausea. I wanted to commit suicide all the time, so I knew I needed a therapist, who. I’ve been seeing for a year now. She has helped me so much, even told me they have seen worse off then me coming off this drug. I found that hard to believe since I was so bad off. I don’t want any pharmaceutical drugs anymore. Im Getting better but still suffer with anxiety especially upon awaking. I wish you the best in what you are doing,