Tapering off Lyrica gave me panic, nausea, extreme anxiety

Posted by cdcc @cdcc, Nov 28, 2017

I have been taking Lyrica 150 mg two times a day for four years for trigeminal nerve neuralgia from shingles. Since I am now beginning to loose my teeth from this medication I decided to go off it. Folding my doctors withdrawal program I became very sick. Panic, extreme anxiety, nausea, could not eat and lost 17 pounds in 7 weeks, not good I’m tiny as it is. Ended in the ER for I’ve fluids, nausea medications. Back to the family doctor. He put me back on 50mg a day because he felt I needed a long withdrawal from the medications then also said you may have to go back on your full dosing which after all this suffering I am doing I don’t want to do that. I have even made an appoint with a psychiatrist to help with the anxiety although my family doctor gave me Ativan 0:5mg to take twice daily. I don’t even wan5 to go outside the house, haven’t driven in 7 weeks afraid my anxiety or panic will take over. Has anyone experienced these conditions with coming off this medication. Thank you

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@cdcc - Welcome to Connect.

I only took Lyrica for a few weeks, and stopped it abruptly when I was in the hospital because of my severe reaction to it. I was incoherent, among other things. I hope you find a solution to the best treatment for without having to live with the symptoms you describe.

I wish I had been able to take it because it was the only med that relieved my peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet.


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I think your question might have been directed to me? I've tried every medication available for neuropathy pain, with no luck, and I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June. I was taking Cymbalta, but I don't think it had any effect on either the neuropathy pain or depression. I tapered off Cymbalta a couple of months ago, and now am only taking Morphine sulfate contin for the pain. I recently started Azathioprine, which is supposed to slow the progress of neuropathy. I take a number of other meds for other conditions. The stimulator implant has given me a lot of relief, up to 80%, which is wonderful! Before the implant, pain had driven my depression way up, and was honestly at risk of suicide. Just before the implant, I had resumed therapy, after an 18 month stretch between therapists. The stopping of therapy wasn't my choice. The last therapist moved, and there was none available who accepted Medicare.

What has worked best for you?



@cdcc I was put on Gabapenton 300mg 3xday, Baclofen, and Tramadol 50mg 4xday when I had a laminectomy back surgery last December. I decided to stop taking both the Baclofen and the Gabapenton this last spring. I was having problems with losing large amounts of memory and just feeling goofy all the time. I talked with my pain management doctor about withdrawing from both meds and he was not helpful. In fact, I got more information from this site than from him. I talked to my pharmacist who was more helpful. He said I should go down 1 pill for 2 or more weeks before I try to reduce another pill. I think I actually took a month to adjust to the first drop, and 2 months to drop the second pill. I was able to get off all the Gabapenton by the end of 4 months. I felt So much better without it. I also stopped the Baclofen during that time. I'm still taking 1/2 the amount of Tram a dollar for now.

I don't think doctors should give Gabapenton or Lyrica to anyone. I will never take either of them again.

I really didn't have too hard a time withdrawing from the Gabapenton. But, that's why I went very slowly and gave my body time to get over each change. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help you with. Good luck and just go slow.

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I should have been clear about what is going on with me. I have been told by a neurologist that I have Neuropathy, I am not a diabetic. I have been put on Lycra 150mg. Cymbalta 150mg. Gabapentin 150mg. I was taking Crestor (doctor took me off). I took off the Gabapentin over 3 month period. Felt ok till the past three weeks. Sorry for the post earlier.......my mind is always in a fog, my feet ,hands burn. I feel as ants are crawling all over me. My sleep is really crazy I wake up at 2:00am . I have noticed that I’m not well , children always made me happy now I do not like them. Holidays are painful I’m so done hearing the happy Christmas already. So much anger ! Can not finish cooking,cleaning even gardening. John so sorry I was not completely giving you the whole picture.


@cdcc I was put on Gabapenton 300mg 3xday, Baclofen, and Tramadol 50mg 4xday when I had a laminectomy back surgery last December. I decided to stop taking both the Baclofen and the Gabapenton this last spring. I was having problems with losing large amounts of memory and just feeling goofy all the time. I talked with my pain management doctor about withdrawing from both meds and he was not helpful. In fact, I got more information from this site than from him. I talked to my pharmacist who was more helpful. He said I should go down 1 pill for 2 or more weeks before I try to reduce another pill. I think I actually took a month to adjust to the first drop, and 2 months to drop the second pill. I was able to get off all the Gabapenton by the end of 4 months. I felt So much better without it. I also stopped the Baclofen during that time. I'm still taking 1/2 the amount of Tram a dollar for now.

I don't think doctors should give Gabapenton or Lyrica to anyone. I will never take either of them again.

I really didn't have too hard a time withdrawing from the Gabapenton. But, that's why I went very slowly and gave my body time to get over each change. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help you with. Good luck and just go slow.

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Gabapentin and Cymbalta didn't help with my neuropathy pain, but Lyrica did. Unfortunately, it put me in the hospital because I reacted so badly to it.

Is Vanlax... the same as Effexor? Have you looked at the discussion about tips for getting off it? It's a discussion thread in the chronic pain group. Many people have written about their experiences with going off it.



@cdcc I was put on Gabapenton 300mg 3xday, Baclofen, and Tramadol 50mg 4xday when I had a laminectomy back surgery last December. I decided to stop taking both the Baclofen and the Gabapenton this last spring. I was having problems with losing large amounts of memory and just feeling goofy all the time. I talked with my pain management doctor about withdrawing from both meds and he was not helpful. In fact, I got more information from this site than from him. I talked to my pharmacist who was more helpful. He said I should go down 1 pill for 2 or more weeks before I try to reduce another pill. I think I actually took a month to adjust to the first drop, and 2 months to drop the second pill. I was able to get off all the Gabapenton by the end of 4 months. I felt So much better without it. I also stopped the Baclofen during that time. I'm still taking 1/2 the amount of Tram a dollar for now.

I don't think doctors should give Gabapenton or Lyrica to anyone. I will never take either of them again.

I really didn't have too hard a time withdrawing from the Gabapenton. But, that's why I went very slowly and gave my body time to get over each change. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help you with. Good luck and just go slow.

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My feelings are numb. Yes I have spoken with my doctor. Thank you for asking. I live in Mexico and my doctor is in Mexico City . I was eating healthy and thought I saw I was in a better mood, then now I eat to stay fat


@cdcc I was put on Gabapenton 300mg 3xday, Baclofen, and Tramadol 50mg 4xday when I had a laminectomy back surgery last December. I decided to stop taking both the Baclofen and the Gabapenton this last spring. I was having problems with losing large amounts of memory and just feeling goofy all the time. I talked with my pain management doctor about withdrawing from both meds and he was not helpful. In fact, I got more information from this site than from him. I talked to my pharmacist who was more helpful. He said I should go down 1 pill for 2 or more weeks before I try to reduce another pill. I think I actually took a month to adjust to the first drop, and 2 months to drop the second pill. I was able to get off all the Gabapenton by the end of 4 months. I felt So much better without it. I also stopped the Baclofen during that time. I'm still taking 1/2 the amount of Tram a dollar for now.

I don't think doctors should give Gabapenton or Lyrica to anyone. I will never take either of them again.

I really didn't have too hard a time withdrawing from the Gabapenton. But, that's why I went very slowly and gave my body time to get over each change. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help you with. Good luck and just go slow.

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Yes I have read the post. I’m so afraid to go off anything now.


Oh no I’m on Lyrica 150 mg. I’m so afraid to get off of this drug. I did get off of gab. I had no side effects at all ! I’m also on vanflaxin . I’m really scared to get off of it, the side effects are really bad I’m told.

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Almost 8 weeks of me coming off of lyrica and I am still sick. They took me down to 50mg one daily because I am so bad with panic attacks anxiety nausea. They also put me on 0.5 mg of Ativan for the anxiety. Another drug probably easy to get addicted to. I ever wonder if I will feel and be myself again. I try to think positive but the depression takes over. I swear these pharmaceutical companies need to be sued and help people whose lives they have destroyed


Oh no I’m on Lyrica 150 mg. I’m so afraid to get off of this drug. I did get off of gab. I had no side effects at all ! I’m also on vanflaxin . I’m really scared to get off of it, the side effects are really bad I’m told.

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I've been taking Clonazepam, which is much like Ativan, for 12 years. I know that I'm physically dependent on it, but I don't think of that as addiction. I take a low prescribed dose, and have the option of taking more as needed. I depend on other medications, as well. Antidepressant, pain meds, decongestant, NSAID for arthritis inflammation, along with vitamins and so on. I don't feel guilty about taking any of them, as each serves a purpose. I also use a BIPAP machine for sleep apnea, which is another prescription.

I took Ativan one time and my heart rate jumped to 180. Very uncomfortable! It's on my list of allergies.

Of course, I only took Lyrica for a month or so, and when I was in the hospital for the reaction to it, I stopped taking it abruptly, and didn't have any problems. I wish I had been able to continue taking it, as it was the only neuropathy medication that worked. That's life. It doesn't sound like tapering off it is any fun, so that might be a reason to be thankful for the reaction I had.



Oh no I’m on Lyrica 150 mg. I’m so afraid to get off of this drug. I did get off of gab. I had no side effects at all ! I’m also on vanflaxin . I’m really scared to get off of it, the side effects are really bad I’m told.

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@jimhd I always appreciate the balanced approach you take to meds and other activities as being a small part of the bigger picture of good health! Thank you for your input in this conversation.



My list of allergies continues to lengthen as does for my tolerance for professionals who say it is not possible to have so many allergies...WRONG because it is possible and I surely would not make this up as I would like some options that do not imperil my well-being.

I can still keep a balanced sense of well-being and also some sense of balance and maintain a sense of humor :).

@hopeful33250 A smiley face can mean many things...I always try to be appropriate. Notice the absence of a smiley???

Y'all are most helpful with input and info...No joking. Thanks for all so many do here.


@cdcc I was put on Gabapenton 300mg 3xday, Baclofen, and Tramadol 50mg 4xday when I had a laminectomy back surgery last December. I decided to stop taking both the Baclofen and the Gabapenton this last spring. I was having problems with losing large amounts of memory and just feeling goofy all the time. I talked with my pain management doctor about withdrawing from both meds and he was not helpful. In fact, I got more information from this site than from him. I talked to my pharmacist who was more helpful. He said I should go down 1 pill for 2 or more weeks before I try to reduce another pill. I think I actually took a month to adjust to the first drop, and 2 months to drop the second pill. I was able to get off all the Gabapenton by the end of 4 months. I felt So much better without it. I also stopped the Baclofen during that time. I'm still taking 1/2 the amount of Tram a dollar for now.

I don't think doctors should give Gabapenton or Lyrica to anyone. I will never take either of them again.

I really didn't have too hard a time withdrawing from the Gabapenton. But, that's why I went very slowly and gave my body time to get over each change. Let me know if you have specific questions that I can help you with. Good luck and just go slow.

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Woke this morning with the shakes again. Took an 0.5 mg Ativan hopefully it will kick in soon. One day I’m good next day blah! Going on 8 weeks of this crap now and with the holidays coming I’m wondering if I’ll feel any better by then. Still not liking to go out of the house, I get really light headed when I get out of the car and it takes a few minutes to settle down. Haven’t driven or gone anywhere by myself in weeks. And I’m 66 years years old I don’t need this crap at my age,

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