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Months of Chest Pain - Please help

Digestive Health | Last Active: Oct 24, 2022 | Replies (296)

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yes we have a lot in common. in 2016 i was at a thirft store and had a heart attack. they took me ot a BAD hospital and a heart doc did a heart cath but didnt know what he was doing and he almost killed. i had a 100% blockage in a small artery called the diaganol 1 off the LAD. well he cute the artery and gave me another heart attack on the table. the entire artery collapsed and they had another doc some in and try and get the stent in and repair the artery. well it didnt work so every 3 weeks i had another heart attack to try and open the artery...i then found an expert in ocala and he said i had a 50 50 change of making it thru the surgery but he was going to try and stent the entire artery... well he did it and i survived but it didnt work i kept having mini heart attacks and severe angina. so the put me thru treatment called EECP. google it and see what it is. it was horrible going thru it but it saved m life. it grew tons or new arteries to take over for the one i had lost. plus new arteries i never had and also i had 3 other 40% blockages and it opened 3 of them totally and one down to 10%... since then i have been fine and had a cath a few months ago and all is good. My famly has some bad genes. lots of cancers and heart issues and immune things and i got them all. ate healthy all my life and worked out.. i did 25 years in law enforcement and in 2013 i got into a brawl with a pile of women and one grabbed me and thru me against a concrete building and i hit my head and both arms and it broke my neck and both arms. after a few surgeries im ok now but lost a 25 year career. thats when the fibro started for me bad but i think i had it for a few years prior to that...i have had 6 other surgeries and many injuries over the years. i have been worn hard and thrown out lol...and now over the past few years snce my retirement its all coming out and all the bad genes have hit me. its a hard life living in pain every day and then the gastric issues is horrible i just s\try and stay positive and pray each day it will be better. its all got to get better it cant get much worse lol. i have bad osteoporosis and had 4 compression fractures in my spine and now its beginning to curve towards my heart, not to good. magnesium Oxide ( MagOx) is better for the fibro than the malate and YES extra B 6 would be great for you at least 50 mg more. you cant take to much what your body does not need you pee out but B6 will help the fibro. yes my heart arteries are very tiny also that was the big problem with the stents and the diaganol is a small artery but mine was super small. ask your doc about the EECP it might help you a lot it grew me so many arteries and made the ones i had much bigger... watch a video of the therapy. its 5 days a week for an hour for 7 weeks and not comfortable but SO worth it. they put huge blood pressure like cuffs on both your legs al the way up to your waist and they put monitors on yo and this machine pumps those cuffs in between each heart beat . you kinf of bounce a little on the table.and you start at 80 pounds of pressure in the cuffs and end up at 200 pounds of pressure. they call it the natural bypass but it saved my life for sure.

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Replies to "yes we have a lot in common. in 2016 i was at a thirft store and..."

@debiobrien Oh my goodness how horrible that had to be . Glad your o.k. now. I only had 2 caths but that had to be so scary for you and your family. Then to have fibro on top of that and whatever else . In 05 I maybe repeating myself I have a fracture on the L2 now it in pinching my nerve going into my leg so just in for a cortisone shot. The Dr. suggest a spinal cord stimulater but I'm not getting it . This is scary for my as the things that could happen breakage ,infection that alone scared me of . My injection so far is holding . I will google what you had . Cant sleep but am getting there so will call it a night .