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Brain Tumors and Aphasia (Speech Problems)

Brain Tumor | Last Active: Jun 20, 2018 | Replies (15)

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Hi, @hopeful33250. Thanks for this post -- really does sound like aphasia is something important to address.

I see that @dianaodecatur, @mkf1, @KMH, @ikampel2, @Gray,@parker80138, @patrassi, @techi, @gremeika, @ditim, @ndapanda, @marieelise,@joturner3,@gremeika, @aphasia and @dianaodecatur have talked about this or other speech issues from brain disorders, and thought they might have some experiences to share. I also believe that @cynaburst, @IndianaScott or @dawn_giacabazi might have some insights on this topic.

Wondering if you could share any ways aphasia may have affected you or a loved one, as well as what may have helped?

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Replies to "Hi, @hopeful33250. Thanks for this post -- really does sound like aphasia is something important to..."

Yes, I have two years of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers and the last two years have had Stem cell treatment in Freeport, Bahama. This in connection with Vascular Dementia, probably Alzheimer and TBI.  The diagnoses is over 7 years and with other mind games I have slowed down the progress of  terrible disease.    Jay

Hello Jay, @aphasia

Thanks for sharing your story with us. How wonderful that in spite of your diagnosis over 7 years ago that you have been able to slow down the progression. No doubt that took a lot of intentional effort on your part. Congratulations on your success.

If you are comfortable doing so, can you share with us the ways in which Aphasia affected you? Did you have word finding problems or speech that was not easily understood? Also, you mentioned "other mind games." Are you referring to some type of cognitive/speech therapy or puzzles, and/or word games?

Thanks again for your contribution to this discussion!


Hello Jay, @aphasia

I was thinking about you and wondering if you could share with us any speech therapies you have found helpful. I have personally found that reading out loud and singing to be very good therapies for speech problems.

What has been most helpful for you?


Please send me your email address, 

Hello @aphasia

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