Over 70 years old starting Chemo

Posted by Glori @elvandi, Nov 5, 2017

I am 75 yrs old and had a left breast Mastectomy and now it has been suggested to start chemo and then hormonal pill therapy. My Onco test was at 34, which is considered high. I feel that I am now strong enough at this time to undergo Chemo. Has anyone over 70 been thru Chemo and was able to handle or not handle this treatment. There is not sufficient data showing that this age group can benefit from Chemo, and that the hormonal pill is as sufficient, without getting Chemo treatments. Would like thoughts from this senior age group.

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Hi Glori,
What a great question to ask the group. you are very wise in doing your research. While age is a factor to be considered, I'm sure you're also considering it along with other factors such as other possible health conditions, your general overall health, as well as your personal desires with respect to quality of life.
I'm tagging @wandering and @berit as I believe they might fall into your age category.

When do you have to make your choice, Glori?


Hi Glori
I live inCape Town South Africa. At 70 I was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer which had spread to lymph nodes and my omentum.
I had a hysterectomy and 6 sessions of chemotherapy with three weeks in between each session.
I was surprised that getting the chemotherapy through a drip for two hours every three weeks was fine. I sat in a lounger reading or chatting with fellow patients in a big light room with experienced caring nurses. There is no pain associated with it.
The next days or so I was tired and sometimes nauseous. They give you anti nausea pills to take with you. You can also take medical marijuana if your state allows, against nausea.
It is a journey that has an end point.
I also went on a diet, which I am still on, of no breads, milk products, sugar products, preserved or smoked foods. Also vitamin c drips every two weeks and anti cancer supplements.
I have just come home from hospital after a preventative double mastectomy because I and my children carry the BRCA2 gene.
I am now 72.
It is easier I think if you have a support system.
Go for if you can.
Life is a precious gift. I want to know that I have done as much as I can to preserve my life, when I die.
Wishing you strength
Love from across the oceans


shortshot80) Nancy, Well now I am 84 and have just started chemo. I would like to think that the chemo will help distroy the cancer in my leftt lung. It won't help the other lung, But it might slow it down so I can live a longer life. I was informed I had the two kinds of lung cancer in January 2016. Mesothelioma in my left lung and plain old cancer in the other. I had radiation on my right lung. Well the radiation shattered the cancer in the right lung, cause ing me to have a
really bad time of breathing. Doc's put me on some breathing medication and oxygen at night. I have had just on treatment of chemo, I believe it has helped and along with the other medication. I am happy I can "breathe" I hope to live a long time yet, but if the chemo is the way.....So Be It" I can still do many things and still keep out of trouble...I will have my second treatment on November 28. I am happy to attend this life saving treatment. Nancy


shortshot80) Nancy, Well now I am 84 and have just started chemo. I would like to think that the chemo will help distroy the cancer in my leftt lung. It won't help the other lung, But it might slow it down so I can live a longer life. I was informed I had the two kinds of lung cancer in January 2016. Mesothelioma in my left lung and plain old cancer in the other. I had radiation on my right lung. Well the radiation shattered the cancer in the right lung, cause ing me to have a
really bad time of breathing. Doc's put me on some breathing medication and oxygen at night. I have had just on treatment of chemo, I believe it has helped and along with the other medication. I am happy I can "breathe" I hope to live a long time yet, but if the chemo is the way.....So Be It" I can still do many things and still keep out of trouble...I will have my second treatment on November 28. I am happy to attend this life saving treatment. Nancy

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ShortShot80. Where did you work that you ended up with Mesothelioma? Have you filed for benefit monies because of it? I worked for an asbestos abatement company. I worked in the offices so was not exposed.


I am 70 years old and was diagnosed with metaplastic squamous cell carcinoma in my right breast last July. I should add that I am BRCA 2. The tumor was stage 2 grade 3. I received a second opinion from Mayo and received great information. I chose to have a lumpectomy which was done in August at Mayo. I found an oncologist locally who would collaborate with the Mayo oncologist who recommended adriamycin and cytoxan after an echocardiogram to evaluate my baseline heart function. I am having 4 rounds of chemo over three months. So far I started losing my hair during the first round, somI had my head shaved and I either wear a wig or hat —-friends have bestowed many hats and I love them all. During the second round, I experienced nausea almost the whole time—which was not fun and I lost my appetite. Carnation Instant Breakfast was my friend! During this third round I have had no nausea! The consistent side effect has been tiredness but it is manageable by taking naps and recognizing that I have energy limitations. During round 2 and 3 I had acupuncture the day after chemo. I also have had a massage during the first week after treatment. I will have a series of 20 radiation treatments at the University of Iowa starting the middle of December.
Hope that helps.


MaryKay63, I am shortshot80) I am so sorry that you have this disease. This stuff isn't for sissy's. Hopefully the path will be a little easier for you in the future. I know that my status will change for me as I go through the next chemo on the 28th. But I have to look at the basket on great, beautiful, crazy hats that friends have given to me. By golly I will wear a diffeernt hat to anything I go to. I wear them to church, and guess what I get another hat. I think my count is 38 or 39. and none match anything, but I don't care. When I found out I had the lung cancers (2) I cut my hair off. Talked to my pastor, have the support of the church and friends. I don't need my hair to define me. Also I found I had skin cancer right in the middle of my forehead. That was removed a week ago last Monday. I will have all the tiny stitches out on the 27th. One thing that has helped me not be so tired is the oxygen at night. That might be a thought for you to check.
Blessings and Power to you MaryKat. Just don't give up! Fight the whole way! (shortshot80)Nancy


MaryKay63, I am shortshot80) I am so sorry that you have this disease. This stuff isn't for sissy's. Hopefully the path will be a little easier for you in the future. I know that my status will change for me as I go through the next chemo on the 28th. But I have to look at the basket on great, beautiful, crazy hats that friends have given to me. By golly I will wear a diffeernt hat to anything I go to. I wear them to church, and guess what I get another hat. I think my count is 38 or 39. and none match anything, but I don't care. When I found out I had the lung cancers (2) I cut my hair off. Talked to my pastor, have the support of the church and friends. I don't need my hair to define me. Also I found I had skin cancer right in the middle of my forehead. That was removed a week ago last Monday. I will have all the tiny stitches out on the 27th. One thing that has helped me not be so tired is the oxygen at night. That might be a thought for you to check.
Blessings and Power to you MaryKat. Just don't give up! Fight the whole way! (shortshot80)Nancy

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Thank you for your support and encouraging words. My faith is important to me.


Hi Glori
I live inCape Town South Africa. At 70 I was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer which had spread to lymph nodes and my omentum.
I had a hysterectomy and 6 sessions of chemotherapy with three weeks in between each session.
I was surprised that getting the chemotherapy through a drip for two hours every three weeks was fine. I sat in a lounger reading or chatting with fellow patients in a big light room with experienced caring nurses. There is no pain associated with it.
The next days or so I was tired and sometimes nauseous. They give you anti nausea pills to take with you. You can also take medical marijuana if your state allows, against nausea.
It is a journey that has an end point.
I also went on a diet, which I am still on, of no breads, milk products, sugar products, preserved or smoked foods. Also vitamin c drips every two weeks and anti cancer supplements.
I have just come home from hospital after a preventative double mastectomy because I and my children carry the BRCA2 gene.
I am now 72.
It is easier I think if you have a support system.
Go for if you can.
Life is a precious gift. I want to know that I have done as much as I can to preserve my life, when I die.
Wishing you strength
Love from across the oceans

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Thank you for that encouraging words. I hope that I can be as strong.


shortshot80) Nancy, Well now I am 84 and have just started chemo. I would like to think that the chemo will help distroy the cancer in my leftt lung. It won't help the other lung, But it might slow it down so I can live a longer life. I was informed I had the two kinds of lung cancer in January 2016. Mesothelioma in my left lung and plain old cancer in the other. I had radiation on my right lung. Well the radiation shattered the cancer in the right lung, cause ing me to have a
really bad time of breathing. Doc's put me on some breathing medication and oxygen at night. I have had just on treatment of chemo, I believe it has helped and along with the other medication. I am happy I can "breathe" I hope to live a long time yet, but if the chemo is the way.....So Be It" I can still do many things and still keep out of trouble...I will have my second treatment on November 28. I am happy to attend this life saving treatment. Nancy

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Wow , you are amazing. I hope that I can have your strength. Thank you


I am 70 years old and was diagnosed with metaplastic squamous cell carcinoma in my right breast last July. I should add that I am BRCA 2. The tumor was stage 2 grade 3. I received a second opinion from Mayo and received great information. I chose to have a lumpectomy which was done in August at Mayo. I found an oncologist locally who would collaborate with the Mayo oncologist who recommended adriamycin and cytoxan after an echocardiogram to evaluate my baseline heart function. I am having 4 rounds of chemo over three months. So far I started losing my hair during the first round, somI had my head shaved and I either wear a wig or hat —-friends have bestowed many hats and I love them all. During the second round, I experienced nausea almost the whole time—which was not fun and I lost my appetite. Carnation Instant Breakfast was my friend! During this third round I have had no nausea! The consistent side effect has been tiredness but it is manageable by taking naps and recognizing that I have energy limitations. During round 2 and 3 I had acupuncture the day after chemo. I also have had a massage during the first week after treatment. I will have a series of 20 radiation treatments at the University of Iowa starting the middle of December.
Hope that helps.

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Your a strong an determined , hope I do as well. Thankyou

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