When my wife was ill, music, TV, etc. was all too stimulating for her so we lived a silent existence for years and years. I missed my music a TON (my favorite is the Moody Blues), but I was hindered by the fact I am deaf in one ear and ear buds, headphones, etc. were frustrating since I lost any stereo effect, hearing only a weird portion of the music, etc.
So for what it's worth and just in case anyone in this tread has the same issue, after much trial and error and searching I finally found DJ, single-ear, stereo headphones! They are made by a company named Beyerdynamic and they brought back my ability to enjoyably listen to music when I needed the house to be quiet and now in places like airplanes and the train. (I have no relationship with and nothing to gain from mentioning this company.)
A just in case PSA.
Strength, Courage, and Peace
@IndianaScott WOO-HOO!!!! There are many times I cannot tolerate music, TV or any type of noise. I do like the Moody Blues. "Nights In White Satin" Also like Procol Harem and so many more. I love youtube!!!!!