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Hi @elizabeth1941

I noticed your question about what a TEE is, so I thought I would jump in here with an answer. TEE stands for a transesophageal echocardiogram. It produces a more accurate picture of the heart than a traditional echocardiogram because it looks at the heart from the inside.
Here is a description of the procedure from Mayo Clinic's website:

Transesophageal echocardiogram
If your doctor wants more-detailed images or it's difficult to get a clear picture of your heart with a standard echocardiogram, your doctor may recommend a transesophageal echocardiogram.

In this procedure:

Your throat will be numbed, and you'll be given medications to help you relax.
A flexible tube containing a transducer is guided down your throat and into the tube connecting your mouth to your stomach (esophagus).
The transducer records the sound wave echoes from your heart.
A computer converts the echoes into detailed moving images of your heart, which your doctor can view on a monitor.

I've had several of these, @elizabeth1941 and they are really an easy procedure. You are given light anesthesia and when you wake up there is little to no discomfort, except for a very minor sore throat.

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Thank you so much for the information. much appreciated