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I was just in the hosp a few days for observation and then close follow up with several cat scans. Also very close follow up with a neurosurgeon. It has been 4 months and I was without a blood thinner it was just recently decided the watchman was the procedure that was needed I am on eliqui s again for a short time but should not need abloo d thinner when heart heals over the watchman .

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Replies to "I was just in the hosp a few days for observation and then close follow up..."

Dear 1943,

I've just passed 13 months since I had the Watchman installed and I have been doing great. I had gone 3 years without any treatment for the A-Fib and at the same time living with the fear of a possible stroke. I cannot vouch for the long-term, but for now, having the Watchman has taken the stroke worry off my plate. I had no problem with the Eliquis when I was on it and I now take the low dose aspirin daily. I pray that the Watchman implant was the right treatment for you as it has been for me.
