What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing

I was visiting a community hospital recently, waiting in line for a coffee. Across the lobby was a large, beautiful dog. As visitors and patients stopped to pet the dog and talk with the owner, you could literally see how their faces lit up with smiles and their bodies relaxed.

In the week leading up to exams at my daughter's school, they bring in therapy dogs for the students to interact with. It helps reduce anxiety at a very stressful time for students. For many people, animals provide countless health benefits.

Cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters: How have animals comforted you, helped with recovery or promoted good health for you?

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Our cat follows me everywhere in the house. She has recently discovered that the braided rug is pretty danged nice, then found the kindling box my husband left on the rug, in front of the fireplace. Put the two together, and she has a new "happy place".


@gingerw, Great pic and smiling because so often our little 4-legged friends demonstrate that simple comforts and joys are best. Thinking of you.


Since we're sharing our fur friends -- here are my Napa (top) and her bff (best furry friend) Stella, our daughter's rescue. Once they settle in they don't want anyone to disturb them so here they planted themselves on our daughter's legs.


@IndianaScott, This is how pure Bliss looks! Thanks for sharing photos of these beauties!


It is wonderful to share photos and hear of all the animals that bring joy into our world. I have 5 animals(all rescues) myself to distract me. We certainly learn from them. I started out with a 10 pound Papillon mix and a Flemish giant rabbit. He is a 21 pound house rabbit. I later got companions for them. In the process I ended up rescuing a 5 pound female dog and 2 female flemish giant mix rabbits. The rabbits were a bonded pair so I could not separate them. Rabbits are very social and clean animals. Just like the dogs, they are very affectionate. All the animals free roam in the living room so I can keep an eye on them. I have no worries because they all get along well with each other. Rabbits are similar to cats. They are litter box trained and spend time grooming one another. With repetition they also can be trained. My rabbits know the word to enter their cage (great dane size) at night for their safety. The dogs keep each other company at night in my bedroom. They like their crate for security. Five animals may seem like a lot but they all appreciate one another and I enjoy having them around.


Since we're sharing our fur friends -- here are my Napa (top) and her bff (best furry friend) Stella, our daughter's rescue. Once they settle in they don't want anyone to disturb them so here they planted themselves on our daughter's legs.

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Loving all these pics. Spunky is also a rescue, my daughter thought she was getting a girl to join her herd, but upon examination...so he came to us as she is not interested in breeding more guinea pigs. He is litter box trained, follows simple commands and does a few tricks. This was taken after he came to his mat in the corner of the kitchen to inform me that is was snack time.


All of my dogs have been rescues. So far all of my cats have been from relatives. Each dog partnered with one of my cats. Each couple has nursed me when I have had cancer and treatments. During chemo, my last pup and my soul puppy Brandy used to put her paws over her nose because the chemicals were so strong. But she was up on the bed with me, every single day!.


@suzanne2, What a cheerful beauty your Ms Hattie is!! Thanks for sharing; started my morning with a smile.


It is wonderful to share photos and hear of all the animals that bring joy into our world. I have 5 animals(all rescues) myself to distract me. We certainly learn from them. I started out with a 10 pound Papillon mix and a Flemish giant rabbit. He is a 21 pound house rabbit. I later got companions for them. In the process I ended up rescuing a 5 pound female dog and 2 female flemish giant mix rabbits. The rabbits were a bonded pair so I could not separate them. Rabbits are very social and clean animals. Just like the dogs, they are very affectionate. All the animals free roam in the living room so I can keep an eye on them. I have no worries because they all get along well with each other. Rabbits are similar to cats. They are litter box trained and spend time grooming one another. With repetition they also can be trained. My rabbits know the word to enter their cage (great dane size) at night for their safety. The dogs keep each other company at night in my bedroom. They like their crate for security. Five animals may seem like a lot but they all appreciate one another and I enjoy having them around.

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@avmcbellar, Great to hear that your wonderful 5 cohabitate so well together. Makes you wonder why it is that different species can live together in harmony while we humans often find it so difficult. Have often wondered what it would be like to have a pet rabbit so it was neat to learn more about them. All of my kitties and my last dog adopted me. Each improved my quality of life in untold ways.

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