Loss of balance from spinal issues and pain

Posted by virtuous69 @virtuous69, Aug 20, 2017

Hi, I,m new to the Chronic pain.discussion. I have so many of the same issues you folks have: spinal degenerstion, Fibro and spinal stenosis, I mention this because in recent years I've noticed my balance is changing...stepping backwards for instance. But several times I' ve felt like my head spinning slightly, but the scary part is that if my lower back is screaming with pain, my legs will give out from under me, and I'm flayling around trying to grab hold on some piece of furniture to fall on and catch my balance. Once it was after a painful low back back episode with a full blown sciatica (seldom have) and .my legs and knees gave out. My PT thinks when my lower back is really inflamed, the nerves from my spine tell my legs, we can't support you. Also when sleeping and partially waking up, Sometimes I notice a tad of dizziness.laying on my pillow. Any one else have similar experience? It's darn scary to have your legs fly right out from under you. Not anxious to add another symtomatic episode to the shopping cart I ready have. Victorios 69


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Hi @virtuous,
I moved your message to the Chronic Pain group, hoping that others here with spinal degeneration, fibro and spinal stenosis will join in to share their experiences with dizziness, loss of balance and/or falling.

You may also want to review the messages in this discussion:
- Balance and falling alot https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/balance-and-falling-a-lot/

I'm also inviting @sandytoes14 @hazelblumberg @trainwreck54 and @blindeyepug into this conversation.

Virtuous, it must be frightening to have your legs give out from under you. What are you doing to protect yourself from falling? Have you thought of starting to use a cane?


Thanks for inviting me to the discussion on balance and falling a lot, Colleen! I'm thinking I should go back to a yoga class, but I haven't gotten motivated enough yet. Maybe that'd help some.



Another option is to ask a yoga teacher who knows your pain and balance issues to design a custom 20-25 minute yoga session that you can do every morning upon to start your day. For maximum benefits, once a week is not enough. And you want all of the yoga poses to be beneficial for your specific needs. Remember that yoga is a practice not an exercise routine. And making it a ritual to start your day can be quite helpful. Add some guided meditation phrases to get your head in a good positive place and you will be off and running...well maybe just walking straight and not falling. That would be the goal.


Chris, thank you for your excellent suggestions! FWIW, I have attempted more times than I can ever count to meditate. Simply cannot do it.


Hope it works for you. I keep the guided meditations short and repeat them over and over. And that's how you get better and better at it. I always focus on the breathe, the essence of life. Here is an example: Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain. Breathing out I know that I am solid and strong. Breathing in I let go of tensions and worries. Breathing out I touch peace.


Ditto, Vicotria. My back injury was from being run over by a car; subsequent surgery; now my dx is "failed back surgery." During the time between injury & surgery, I had not only sciatica, back pain of course, and foot drop. The foot drop is barely noticable now. The pain is excrutiating: keeps me from ADLs, job, etc. But the balance issue: I didn't realise that was from the back injury. As for knees buckling: yes, I've even fallen. Balance: yes, and have fallen as a result of that, too. When I get out of bed in the AM, real hard to make it to the bathroom. I feel your pain...and all your other symptoms..


Ditto, Vicotria. My back injury was from being run over by a car; subsequent surgery; now my dx is "failed back surgery." During the time between injury & surgery, I had not only sciatica, back pain of course, and foot drop. The foot drop is barely noticable now. The pain is excrutiating: keeps me from ADLs, job, etc. But the balance issue: I didn't realise that was from the back injury. As for knees buckling: yes, I've even fallen. Balance: yes, and have fallen as a result of that, too. When I get out of bed in the AM, real hard to make it to the bathroom. I feel your pain...and all your other symptoms..

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Sorry about the typo in your name, Victorios 69.

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