Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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So sad. Is medical society unaware of the connection between alcohol and social anxiety/panic disorder? Of course people will self medicate when they are paralyzed from such a horrifying condition. And how many end up in jail for it? ;( My son became an alcoholic as a teen due to severe anxiety/panic disorder and he also began cutting himself. I was able to help him stop drinking 7 years ago. He has been taking lorazepam for three years, but the way it is effecting his memory is terrifying. Is anyone aware of studies or clinical trials for treatments other than benzodiazepines? SSRI's did not help him.

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Hi, @marlaj - sounds like you've been a really strong advocate for your son through some difficult times with severe anxiety/panic disorder and cutting.

A few discussions you may be interested in related to panic disorder, social anxiety and cutting include:

-On social anxiety, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/social-anxiety-disorder-1

- On social anxiety and treatments https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cbd-oil-for-social-anxiety-for-my-teenage-son

- On self-harm https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/selfharm


Thank you for your reply! My son has been taking 1mg of clonazepam daily for over 6 years for anxiety/panic attacks. Unfortunately he needs to get off of it as he is facing some jail time in about 3 months for his second OWI in 10 years. The jail will not allow him to take the clonazepam while doing Huber.

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@repeterb47 You're welcome. If your son needs more time don't hesitate to have his lawyer give a schedule to the judge. They usually are very understanding of medical issues. The jails don't need new problems; they already have enough.


I don't think any doctor care about senior citizens no matter haw much we suffer. I am 71 with the same problem as you had 2 years ago dowgbone. We are about the same age. Did you managed to get off clonazepam?

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@janopal - you mentioned you had some similarities in experience to @dawgbone. Wondering if you've also had the feeling like you are dying that dawgbone mentioned as you are tapering off clonazepam?


@janopal - you mentioned you had some similarities in experience to @dawgbone. Wondering if you've also had the feeling like you are dying that dawgbone mentioned as you are tapering off clonazepam?

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Lisa, not dying feeling but i have been to Hell and back a few times trying to get off clonazepam. Without proper detox it will kill me anyway.


Are you having problems finding a doctor to help you?


Are you having problems finding a doctor to help you?

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If you are referring to me Sears, yes. It is not easy to find one who know how to get me off benzodiazepams with proper monitoring unless i admit to some suicidal thoughts so i can be lock up in mental institution. I know i need proper detox all benzos are useless and i am addicted to and sick every day.


janopal You do not want to detox in a hospital. Do you have enough medication to taper yourself? There are some very good tapering schedules that you can refer to online. Many people taper themselves. Of course having the right doctor is the best way yo go. It can be hard finding a doctor. Been there done that. The taper has to be very very slow and you need to be in control.


janopal You do not want to detox in a hospital. Do you have enough medication to taper yourself? There are some very good tapering schedules that you can refer to online. Many people taper themselves. Of course having the right doctor is the best way yo go. It can be hard finding a doctor. Been there done that. The taper has to be very very slow and you need to be in control.

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Yes mate i have endless supply of clonazepam. That is no problem. What would be the starting dose of tapering when i was fluctuating in last 4 years between 1 to 3.5 mg. When i go higher i feel bad. It is the same when i go lower. In last 4 years i have not been able to leveled up my dosage to functioned the same way every day. I am having bad days no matter what i am doing- low, between or higher. What i was getting from the doctors in past 4 years is "take more, take less, only when needed, just for the night, 3x a day, 2x a day and so on. My brain is screw up so badly now that nothing works.


Yes mate i have endless supply of clonazepam. That is no problem. What would be the starting dose of tapering when i was fluctuating in last 4 years between 1 to 3.5 mg. When i go higher i feel bad. It is the same when i go lower. In last 4 years i have not been able to leveled up my dosage to functioned the same way every day. I am having bad days no matter what i am doing- low, between or higher. What i was getting from the doctors in past 4 years is "take more, take less, only when needed, just for the night, 3x a day, 2x a day and so on. My brain is screw up so badly now that nothing works.

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The best method that I’m aware of is the Ashton Method. The problem is you would need to switch to Valium at some point in the taper.


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