I see that your granddaughter is now an adult and not in treatment? My daughter was dx at age 7 and took Ssri meds like prozac, zoloft, and several of the newer antipsychotics such as Seroquel, Respiredol, Geodon, and Zyprexa (1 at a time. Zyprexa packed on the weight very quickly.) She also had tons of therapy. At 31 now, she has not taken meds nce her first daughter was conceived 9 years ago. She learned techniques to deal with the OCD without meds. She says at times it's difficult to cope with but for the most part, no real problem. I am so proud of her. She got 2 degrees and has a great job!
My guess is your granddaughter won't go for any form of treatment until the OCD affects her daily life enough to push her to get help. That can happen sooner if it manifests in very disruptive ways: such as staying up all night to clean, or having to shower repeatedly.
I guess you can share info with her and hope she soon will get help. Does she agree she has ocd? Thats a start. If she doesn't want meds, hopefully you can find professionals who know how to do the therapy for this. I believe called aversion therapy. Wishing you the best, Cathy
I guess that is where my granddaughter is. She is so miserable. My daughter says she stands and cries and cries sometimes because she is so tired and wants to go to bed, but she can't (thinks she can't) because she has to take a shower and wash and wash and wash...Many things like that. It is truly an awful disease and seems there is no way to make the person seek help. Thank you for your story. Every little bit helps and I'm so glad your daughter is living a "normal" life now.....
Hola, soy Carolina , de Chile. Enfermera y docente, me interesa mucho el tema pues fui diagnosticada en abril del 2017 con depresion severa, TOC , ansiedad y personalidad limitrofe. Aún sigo en tratamiento y tuve que dejar mi trabajo.
Lisa Lucier, Moderator | @lisalucier | Mar 2, 2018
Hola @carolina83, y bienvenida a Mayo Clinic Connect. Me imagino que fue muy difícil tener que dejar tu empleo debido a padecer de desorden obsesivo compulsivo, depresión, ansiedad y el trastorno límite de la personalidad, y recibir tratamiento para estas condiciones.
Espero que esta información de Mayo Clinic sobre algunas de las condiciones que mencionaste te ayudará:
Lisa Lucier, Moderator | @lisalucier | Mar 14, 2018
Hello, @swanie, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I merged your message into this existing discussion about OCD so you could meet others talking about living with this disorder. If you click VIEW & REPLY in the email, you can scroll through the past messages and meet others like @rafi@falconfly@creynoldsct@cathy615
Swanie, we look forward to getting to know you. What symptoms are you experiencing with your OCD?
Hello, @swanie, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I merged your message into this existing discussion about OCD so you could meet others talking about living with this disorder. If you click VIEW & REPLY in the email, you can scroll through the past messages and meet others like @rafi@falconfly@creynoldsct@cathy615
Swanie, we look forward to getting to know you. What symptoms are you experiencing with your OCD?
Good to meet you. I've been diagnosed with the same things, and have been helped by therapy and medications. Can you tell us what you've done to treat your conditions? Each of us finds help in our own ways, and it helps a lot to hear how others have been treated.
Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, @rafi. I merged your post on OCD with this other discussion on the same topic, hoping you can all meet up here on this thread.
Do you have OCD, @rafi, or someone in your family? If so, would you share a little bit about how it's affecting you?
OCD runs my life since the 4th grade. Im going to be 57. I've seen 2 different Drs many different meds. Tried 2 therapist. I take 5 different meds. Never change. I don't understand how they say the get better. Frustrated.
I never heard that it was treatable. My Dr never changes my meds. Therapists don't help and I've seen 2 different Drs. No relief. Im worn out and down. It's a fight everyday.
I guess that is where my granddaughter is. She is so miserable. My daughter says she stands and cries and cries sometimes because she is so tired and wants to go to bed, but she can't (thinks she can't) because she has to take a shower and wash and wash and wash...Many things like that. It is truly an awful disease and seems there is no way to make the person seek help. Thank you for your story. Every little bit helps and I'm so glad your daughter is living a "normal" life now.....
Hola, soy Carolina , de Chile. Enfermera y docente, me interesa mucho el tema pues fui diagnosticada en abril del 2017 con depresion severa, TOC , ansiedad y personalidad limitrofe. Aún sigo en tratamiento y tuve que dejar mi trabajo.
Hola @carolina83, y bienvenida a Mayo Clinic Connect. Me imagino que fue muy difícil tener que dejar tu empleo debido a padecer de desorden obsesivo compulsivo, depresión, ansiedad y el trastorno límite de la personalidad, y recibir tratamiento para estas condiciones.
Espero que esta información de Mayo Clinic sobre algunas de las condiciones que mencionaste te ayudará:
- http://mayocl.in/2CeVwwK (desorden obsesivo compulsivo)
- http://mayocl.in/2lfwKsP (depresión mayor)
- http://mayocl.in/2z5tumo (ansiedad)
- http://mayocl.in/2BTCQWN (trastorno límite de la personalidad)
¿Cómo va tu tratamiento hasta ahora?
I have suffered with OCD, anxiety and depression since 4th grade. I'm going to be turning 57. Have found no relief.
Hello, @swanie, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I merged your message into this existing discussion about OCD so you could meet others talking about living with this disorder. If you click VIEW & REPLY in the email, you can scroll through the past messages and meet others like @rafi @falconfly @creynoldsct @cathy615
Swanie, we look forward to getting to know you. What symptoms are you experiencing with your OCD?
Suggestion - See a Dr. who has written about, and treats specifically, OCD. There is medication for it, too. And therapy. Dr. Grayson is good. Don't give up. Very treatable. (The med "Rexulti" is good, too, imo but I'm NOT a doctor but have taken Rexulti. Calming.)
Thank you
Good to meet you. I've been diagnosed with the same things, and have been helped by therapy and medications. Can you tell us what you've done to treat your conditions? Each of us finds help in our own ways, and it helps a lot to hear how others have been treated.
OCD runs my life since the 4th grade. Im going to be 57. I've seen 2 different Drs many different meds. Tried 2 therapist. I take 5 different meds. Never change. I don't understand how they say the get better. Frustrated.
I never heard that it was treatable. My Dr never changes my meds. Therapists don't help and I've seen 2 different Drs. No relief. Im worn out and down. It's a fight everyday.