Anyone have Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma?

Posted by cindylb @cindylb, Jul 28, 2017

Does anyone in the group have Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma? I am waiting for an appointment with my oncologist (follow up for breast cancer) and am at possible risk for this cancer. I'd like to hear from anyone who has experienced these symptoms, how they got their diagnosis and what treatments they have or are having. Thank you.

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Thank you dazlin.............your email helps. It's just hard to not know what it is. I have no diagnosis yet, just regular check ups and watching and waiting. I've only had one biopsy (spongeotic dermatitis) which is very general. I appreciate the input from everyone here. There are at minimum 30,000 rashes I was told by my 3rd dermatologist. It's hard to know. I don't have other symptoms so I'm hoping not cancer/lymphoma but I have to keep it in the back of my mind.


Thank you dazlin.............your email helps. It's just hard to not know what it is. I have no diagnosis yet, just regular check ups and watching and waiting. I've only had one biopsy (spongeotic dermatitis) which is very general. I appreciate the input from everyone here. There are at minimum 30,000 rashes I was told by my 3rd dermatologist. It's hard to know. I don't have other symptoms so I'm hoping not cancer/lymphoma but I have to keep it in the back of my mind.

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I agree Cindy, it's tough not getting answers. I've had soooo many tests, so many things popped up...even nodules in my lungs. Dr was ready to do surgery, then just before we scheduled it, one nodule decreased in size, and none had a cancerous appearance. Great as that is..we don't know what they are. Had too many scares that took a toll on me and my poor family. I can't live that way, so I decided to stay focused on how good I feel, despite all the crappiness. I take it one day at a time, and stay thankful for everything I do, and try my very best to live a life of quality. Hang in there, and count your blessings!!


Hello and thanks for your post. I'd say, I'm glad to have company but.........I don't suppose either of us is happy to have this as a prospect (but none the less, I am happy to have someone to share with). I have seen two dermatologist and now a new oncologist (who is very 'out of the box') who said this type of T Cell Lymphoma is a possibility. She also said it is rare but that she has two patients with it and from my reading, it takes a very long time for diagnosis because doctors default to other, less ominous and rare conditions. So, this skin lymphoma, in the early stages, may be more common than they realize, just not diagnosed. I have seen two dermatologists and one oncologist and am heading to my third dermatologist for another look. I have a history of allergies so I have been eliminating things, trying new things, doing all I can to isolate a cause of allergy, but nothing yet. I have had the rash off and on for 8-9 months now. I'm treating it with steroid cream, which resolves it, but if I stop, it comes right back. My rash is only where there is a large number of lymph activity or nodes (chest, pelvis, neck, inner arms and legs). How about you? My biopsy came back as spongeotic dermatitis....which is often what Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma is in the early stages. This is a treatable (but not curable condition) that can be halted or slowed down with various treatments but it can also spread to organs and do more damage if not diagnosed. Please keep me posted on your journeys with this. I hope neither of us has this.......but if we do, it would be great to be able to share our diagnosis and treatment.

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Hello, new to these posts, groups and all of this information. I have had atopic dermatitis for 60 years and it has now evolved into something else that I am really suffering with. I have been to several dermatologists at the big hospitals around the Philadelphia area and they cannot diagnose my new condition however they have recently thrown out some new terms such as Cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). It has been a nightmare trying to get a true diagnosis as everyone knows, this is very hard to do. The doctors put labels on like Atypical Dermatitis or something that does not give you the answer or treatment you need.
This past winter my condition turned and went from my traditional atopic dermatitis (Eczema) to this new unknown condition that I don't have a name for but it has disabled me at time. When it was really bad, 90 percent of my body was covered in what they call Erythroderma (redness of the skin) but also was covered in lumps/hive like things over my back. I had uncontrollable shakes, night sweats, and severe sensitivity to anything touching my skin. I felt like I was having seizures at night it was so bad and my skin was burning, not itching like eczema gives you. The doctors gave me overdose amounts of prednisone (60/80)mg per day for over 3 months. It tore my system apart on the inside but did nothing, nothing for my bizarre skin condition.
I stopped taking and eating everything, it took weeks to taper off the prednisone but and so glad I am off of it. When I totally went on the lamb and ate a very bland diet, no coffee or anything, the lumps\hives went away after 4 - 6 weeks but cannot get rid of the Erythroderma, burning skin or skin sensitivity. I have been through it all my life with allergies, eczema, itching but am at wits end. Now I have a pre-cancerous patch on my arm about the size of a quarter that had been biopsied and told that it needs to be treated. my current doctor wants me to use a type of topical cream that will totally inflame the area and kill the cancer. That's all I need is to have my are totally inflamed for 6 - weeks. I'm tired of suffering and am glad to vent my frustrations.


Hello, new to these posts, groups and all of this information. I have had atopic dermatitis for 60 years and it has now evolved into something else that I am really suffering with. I have been to several dermatologists at the big hospitals around the Philadelphia area and they cannot diagnose my new condition however they have recently thrown out some new terms such as Cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). It has been a nightmare trying to get a true diagnosis as everyone knows, this is very hard to do. The doctors put labels on like Atypical Dermatitis or something that does not give you the answer or treatment you need.
This past winter my condition turned and went from my traditional atopic dermatitis (Eczema) to this new unknown condition that I don't have a name for but it has disabled me at time. When it was really bad, 90 percent of my body was covered in what they call Erythroderma (redness of the skin) but also was covered in lumps/hive like things over my back. I had uncontrollable shakes, night sweats, and severe sensitivity to anything touching my skin. I felt like I was having seizures at night it was so bad and my skin was burning, not itching like eczema gives you. The doctors gave me overdose amounts of prednisone (60/80)mg per day for over 3 months. It tore my system apart on the inside but did nothing, nothing for my bizarre skin condition.
I stopped taking and eating everything, it took weeks to taper off the prednisone but and so glad I am off of it. When I totally went on the lamb and ate a very bland diet, no coffee or anything, the lumps\hives went away after 4 - 6 weeks but cannot get rid of the Erythroderma, burning skin or skin sensitivity. I have been through it all my life with allergies, eczema, itching but am at wits end. Now I have a pre-cancerous patch on my arm about the size of a quarter that had been biopsied and told that it needs to be treated. my current doctor wants me to use a type of topical cream that will totally inflame the area and kill the cancer. That's all I need is to have my are totally inflamed for 6 - weeks. I'm tired of suffering and am glad to vent my frustrations.

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So sorry to hear about your condition. I too suffer with eczema from birth and after my breast cancer mastectomies had a rash on several parts of my skin for over a year and half. The doctors couldn't diagnose it but said it might be early CTCL. It's a wait and watch for me. It seems almost impossible for doctors to diagnose skin conditions unfortunately. They will say that CTCL is rare but I think more than likely it is just under diagnosed. I hope you'll find some answers and some relief. People (including doctors) who don't have trouble with their skin don't understand how horrible it can feel and the impact it has on your day to day life. Just trying to lend support to you. Wish I had something more helpful to share but keep us posted please and thanks for sharing when you feel so badly.


I think we all need to remember that just because something is rare doesn't mean you don't have it.


I think we all need to remember that just because something is rare doesn't mean you don't have it.

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Hello, new to these posts, groups and all of this information. I have had atopic dermatitis for 60 years and it has now evolved into something else that I am really suffering with. I have been to several dermatologists at the big hospitals around the Philadelphia area and they cannot diagnose my new condition however they have recently thrown out some new terms such as Cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). It has been a nightmare trying to get a true diagnosis as everyone knows, this is very hard to do. The doctors put labels on like Atypical Dermatitis or something that does not give you the answer or treatment you need.
This past winter my condition turned and went from my traditional atopic dermatitis (Eczema) to this new unknown condition that I don't have a name for but it has disabled me at time. When it was really bad, 90 percent of my body was covered in what they call Erythroderma (redness of the skin) but also was covered in lumps/hive like things over my back. I had uncontrollable shakes, night sweats, and severe sensitivity to anything touching my skin. I felt like I was having seizures at night it was so bad and my skin was burning, not itching like eczema gives you. The doctors gave me overdose amounts of prednisone (60/80)mg per day for over 3 months. It tore my system apart on the inside but did nothing, nothing for my bizarre skin condition.
I stopped taking and eating everything, it took weeks to taper off the prednisone but and so glad I am off of it. When I totally went on the lamb and ate a very bland diet, no coffee or anything, the lumps\hives went away after 4 - 6 weeks but cannot get rid of the Erythroderma, burning skin or skin sensitivity. I have been through it all my life with allergies, eczema, itching but am at wits end. Now I have a pre-cancerous patch on my arm about the size of a quarter that had been biopsied and told that it needs to be treated. my current doctor wants me to use a type of topical cream that will totally inflame the area and kill the cancer. That's all I need is to have my are totally inflamed for 6 - weeks. I'm tired of suffering and am glad to vent my frustrations.

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Do you have cold urticaria ??


Hi I just found out I have this, I am on Methotrexate 2.5mg 4 pills a week. Its suppose to be curable. Although I am in denial, I left my clinic without any information. So if you can help that would be great!


Hi I just found out I have this, I am on Methotrexate 2.5mg 4 pills a week. Its suppose to be curable. Although I am in denial, I left my clinic without any information. So if you can help that would be great!

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Hello @dee081772, I can relate to the shock of being told you have a life changing disease as I have been through a diagnosis of Large B cell Lymphoma. I would recommend that if possible, you contact your clinic or health care provider to get the information you are looking for. The reason I say this, is that I have personally found that in most instances conditions affect everyone differently. Usually, you’re health care provider is in the best position to provide you with meaningful information specific to you.
If you are looking on line, I would direct you to the Mayo Clinic web site where you can use the search function to get information on many health concerns.
Let us know what steps you are taking as we on connect are here to support each other as best we can.
Is contacting your clinic for this information an option for you?

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