Nose cartilage pain, no redness or swelling
Hello. About five days ago, in the middle of the afternoon, I suddenly had pain on the lower right side of my nose. if I didn't touch this area, the pain was about a 2 out of 10, but when I would press the outside of my nose at all the pain would increase to around a 6 out of 10. I had no redness or swelling, no nasal drip, and no pain across the bridge of my nose. This pain decreased the next morning and was gone by the end of that night, without any medication.
Today, I woke up with sinus drip, though that is now gone by the evening as I type this. However, beginning a few hours ago, I now have similar pain to what I had five days go. The difference now is that it's only located on the lower left side of my nose. Again, there is no redness, no swelling and no pain around the bridge of my nose. The other difference is that today is more painful than five days ago (5 out of 10 when not touched, around an 8 when touched).
I am in good health otherwise and am not on any medications. I keep trying to search to see what I may have, but everyone I find who describes this type of pain also mentions having swelling and/or redness, which I do not have. My only change in behavior is recently I have started to use a shampoo with tea tree oil in it, which shouldn't trigger this type of response (so far as I can find).
My PCP is on vacation this week and the other doctor in his office is not someone I have had positive experiences with, to put it mildly. Any insights or recaps of similar incidents are appreciated.
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@shoefing and @casmith100- welcome to the group.
@casmith100- was the acyclovir prescribed because of the pain or for the shingles? and when you take it the nose pain goes away? I wonder if acupuncture would help when you are having pain in your nose?
do you do anything to assist you with your stress? yoga? meditation?
Prescribed for the shingles. I also get cold sores due to a lot of stress. I am a bilateral btk amputee due to 42 years of diabetes. Type 1. Yes the pain does go away when I take acyclovir or if I use Abreva. I was thinking it might be an irritated nerve right on the outside lower part of the nose but when I googled facial nerves I didn't see any.
Having same pain lower right on my nose so annoying no visible signs of anything
Hi @nicleelee. I know it has been a while since your last post, but I was wondering if you found a solution to your problem? I have the same symptoms as you. When I touch or scrunch my nose, pain radiates to my left temple. I have no other symptoms, and Advil/Tylenol doesn’t seem to work for me.
I have same problem, two rounds of anti biopics no change. Family doctor took swab and I had sinus X-ray nothing found. ENT Doctor scope and nothing found. Dentist said small abscess tooth 22 suggested I may need root canal. 45 years Iago I had root canal all 3 front teeth. 3 doctors no answer, although 1 doctor said not my teeth as two rounds of anti biopics made no difference. This doctor said he feels because while I sleep I push my tongue up against the roof of mouth near my front teeth and I am putting pressure on teeth which may be causing tight feeling unde my nose. I do have lower nose discomfort not pain but more a tightness and when I push that area it seems to subside slightly. I have had this now for 5 months with no change
I will see root canal specialist in December as suggested by dentist but not by Doctor.
@nicleelee I have had the same issue for the last 3 months. Did you ever figure out what was going on? I would appreciate it.
Not yet. I am scheduled to see root canal specialist in December, as there is no pain just tight feeling and others complain of same problem I wonder if I get root canal will that fix the problem.
Went to root canal specialist he did not see abscess but said bacteria from old root canal. I need to see another root canal specialist as he does root canal with sedation. Not many others on this site have mentioned old root canal problems .
Hi everyone! About two days ago I noticed a somethign that looked like a pimple on the right-sided tip of my nose, which I popped without any issues. A few hours later, a little higher up and on the left side around the supratip region I began having pain. It has gotten progressively worse to the point where it is very tender to touch and hurts to move my nose and now it seems to have a small bump and even pulsate at the spot where the pain is the most intense. However, the inside of my nose is completely fine. No unordinary bumps or tenderness.
Normally, I would not be concerned. However, two years ago (to the week) I had an inferior turbinate reduction and septoplasty due to a nasal fractures and a deviated septum and I am concerned I somehow messed that up. Additinally, two weeks ago I had a root canal on a molar on my right side with no complications that began to hurt really badly around two days ago as well. I saw my dentist and he perscribed me antibiotics. Not sure if this could somehow be related.
At this point I guess I'm worried that there is some type of infection going on versus me somehow re-injurying my nose. I know I am being a worry-wart but I tend to have weird things happen to me if I leave things unoticed but I really don't want to go back to the ENT especially after just going back to my dentist yesterday. I also work at a trauma center and am exposed to a bunch of infections, but have never had an issue in the past (and am too embarassed to ask any of the doctors I work with about my symptoms)
Hi @johnj101, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for posting! Sorry to hear about your nose pain- how is it feeling today? Did you end up talking with your doctors you work with for their opinion?