Anyone Else With PTSD?

Posted by Parus @parus, Jul 21, 2017


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No place to run, no place to hide. This wretched PTS is taking its twists and turns on a primal level. Surely things will level out-eventually. Feeling for those with this issue as there are times there are no answers other than to ride it through. I shall overcome and emerge a stronger person-or not.


No place to run, no place to hide. This wretched PTS is taking its twists and turns on a primal level. Surely things will level out-eventually. Feeling for those with this issue as there are times there are no answers other than to ride it through. I shall overcome and emerge a stronger person-or not.

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@parus Grab your sketch pad and pencils. Draw it out. Lose yourself to those emotions and get them out of your systems. Then come back and post what you did. Please?


No place to run, no place to hide. This wretched PTS is taking its twists and turns on a primal level. Surely things will level out-eventually. Feeling for those with this issue as there are times there are no answers other than to ride it through. I shall overcome and emerge a stronger person-or not.

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@parus I am riding that rollercoaster too!🙏


Hi, I was diagnosed with complex PTSD several years ago. Recently I attended a small conference as I am an Early Childhood Educator. This conference was about trauma, the brain and ACE's(Adverse Childhood Experiences). I have had treatment and therapy which allow me to at least appear like I am a functioning adult. Between Covid, the conference topic triggering me and I guess just life, I am really struggling today! Even had thoughts of driving my car into the harbour and/or using(in recovery). I came home instead of doing either so I guess I that is something. It feels like every time I take a step forward life slams at me. The conference has brought with it a tidal wave or memories and emotions. We were asked to score ourselves (ACE's) at this conference and I had an 8 out of 10. Ironically the only reason I did not have a 10 was because my father, who abused my mother, died when I was 16 months so I had zero for the question regarding parents separation/divorce and 0 for witnessing domestic violence. Unless you consider knowing your father beat your pregnant mother causing stillbirths and miscarriage until a doctor intervened when she was pregnant with me. I feel like I have no one in my life that understands just how hard it is to just get through the day sometimes!


Hi, I was diagnosed with complex PTSD several years ago. Recently I attended a small conference as I am an Early Childhood Educator. This conference was about trauma, the brain and ACE's(Adverse Childhood Experiences). I have had treatment and therapy which allow me to at least appear like I am a functioning adult. Between Covid, the conference topic triggering me and I guess just life, I am really struggling today! Even had thoughts of driving my car into the harbour and/or using(in recovery). I came home instead of doing either so I guess I that is something. It feels like every time I take a step forward life slams at me. The conference has brought with it a tidal wave or memories and emotions. We were asked to score ourselves (ACE's) at this conference and I had an 8 out of 10. Ironically the only reason I did not have a 10 was because my father, who abused my mother, died when I was 16 months so I had zero for the question regarding parents separation/divorce and 0 for witnessing domestic violence. Unless you consider knowing your father beat your pregnant mother causing stillbirths and miscarriage until a doctor intervened when she was pregnant with me. I feel like I have no one in my life that understands just how hard it is to just get through the day sometimes!

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@deidre It's difficult to live each day with any level of PTSD, and then to have additional triggers in work-related activities must be a challenge. Did your choice to be an Early Childhood Educator come from your life experiences?

I am glad you didn't follow through on your self-harming thoughts today. What did you do when you got home? Do you have a family member or close friend to contact when you feel those iterations? Like @parus, I often will turn to journaling, or something creative, to get away from myself, and the triggers. If you are so moved, please call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
– Call or text 988
– Chat with a counsellor at
Chat is available 24/7 across the U.S. You don't need your phone. You can chat on your computer.

Please let me know how you are doing now?


No place to run, no place to hide. This wretched PTS is taking its twists and turns on a primal level. Surely things will level out-eventually. Feeling for those with this issue as there are times there are no answers other than to ride it through. I shall overcome and emerge a stronger person-or not.

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Hi @parus . How are you feeling tonight?


I have realized the more I started reading the more hopeless I became. What helps or works for one may harm father always called me a lone fox as I much preferred nature and the creatures to hanging out or being sociable...weak-kneed describes me well now as my knees are in bad shape and doing physical therapy after being told to not walk since January and now being told to blah, blah, blah...I am weak in many ways and going through the bureaucratic hoops is part of life. Like so many things-"can't change it, can't fix it". By the time one hits 65 and can no longer physically work there is nothing much else left. I see people and smile and laugh-they all see me as happy, funny, entertaining...zaps my strength to do so and even a trip to the grocery is draining.

If knowledge is power and wisdom I have had my share...I stay safe w/ my paint brushes and now paint what is me and not what others want done for them.

I lived a life of being a people pleasing person and this achieved nothing other than wearing my body done to where it can no longer be a pack mule, work horse or gopher. I am not bitter as I did what I did because I genuinely cared...Took me a long time to realize the world is full of users and abusers. There was a time when someone told me something I believed them. This is no longer true for me. I have learned the hard way and much prefer spending my older years still being kind, but far more cautious. The more I start to hear pretty words the more I distance myself.

Could be worse as once I stopped listening to the perverted therapists and taking drugs prescribed by shrinks that were most seeking perks from drug companies...they never listened and went by what the therapist said...beware those wolves in sheep's clothing I tell myself now.

All of this jibberish comes from reading too much. If someone is wanting to translate this type of thinking into self-pity it is their choice. I personally believe the mental health system is highly over-rated and I am not a negative person so much as a realist as I see how cruel the world has become and always has been. Now there are those with degrees that cannot tell good cow dung from apple butter and surely cannot think outside the box and everyone should fit within the parameters of what they learned from books or the person they are working with is non near fatal mistake was being compliant.

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I like Christian (and no, it is NOT scientology)


@deidre It's difficult to live each day with any level of PTSD, and then to have additional triggers in work-related activities must be a challenge. Did your choice to be an Early Childhood Educator come from your life experiences?

I am glad you didn't follow through on your self-harming thoughts today. What did you do when you got home? Do you have a family member or close friend to contact when you feel those iterations? Like @parus, I often will turn to journaling, or something creative, to get away from myself, and the triggers. If you are so moved, please call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
– Call or text 988
– Chat with a counsellor at
Chat is available 24/7 across the U.S. You don't need your phone. You can chat on your computer.

Please let me know how you are doing now?

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@deidre, I'm so glad to see you back here on Connect, and that you remembered us as a resource when you're feeling vulnerable.

I notice that @gingerw provided the US National Suicide Hotline. If I recall, you live in Canada. PEI, right?
Here's a link to Canada Suicide Prevention Services should you ever wish to text, call and chat with a trained counsellor any time of night or day

I'm proud of you for recognizing that your impulse to resort to past behaviors was not a solution yesterday. How are you doing today?


Hi @parus . How are you feeling tonight?

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Thanks for asking. The PTSD has a way of providing me with flashbacks. Just so much happening I get confused. I haven't watched the news or anything related to the perils the world is facing. It is the feeling of spinning out of control. Again, just part of how things are when the future mingles with the past. Also why I had not been participating here at connect as it can become too overwhelming. Mostly I was curious as to how others with PTSD, depression/anxiety, chronic pain and everything else that accompanies fears/insecurities. I lose myself in being creative. I miss time with family and the holidays are looming. Enthusiasm seems to be waning for much of anything. Have a feeling I am not alone. Takes constant vigilance once again. I swing by and read but have little to offer currently.
Again, thanks for asking. All in all I am okay just too much time alone reflecting. There are wonderful folks here and always good to stay in touch.


@parus I am riding that rollercoaster too!🙏

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@marjou It helps to know it is not just me on this ride. It is what it is. I did not enjoy the rollercoaster as a kid either. Take care.

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