Anyone Else With PTSD?

Posted by Parus @parus, Jul 21, 2017


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You have experienced some tremendous growth, @parus. You are a wonderful example to the Connect family of taking care of yourself and diligence in not allowing yourself to be a victim!

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I thank you all for your understanding and help. We need each other and it is good you are there. Sincerely, Peach.


Ginger, thank you for your reply, Yes this site is a God send for me. I feel I am back in control now and I am once again OK. I will be back, trust me I will, I have found a new home here and have already heard from some of the nicest people around. Yes writing thing out help me too, I love to write and I write a lot. But it helps to receive feedback too. I am glad I can make a difference and I think I am going to hang around and see if I can be of any help to anyone else. Thanks again.. Jeanie.

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I've been following your conversation here. PTSD is rough stuff. I remember asking my therapist when I'd be over this. When he said never, I did something I've only done a few times as an adult. I started crying. When I could talk again I told him that noone had ever told me that. I didn't want to hear it. But, in a way, it's true. We go through the long, hard process of recovery, and we're okay until a trigger clicks and shoots us down. I'm learning that with time we start recognizing the triggers and the coping skills kick in and we aren't totally derailed. I see that you've been doing this long enough to have what it takes to stand back up and kick back. You have joined the other survivors in the group and shown people like me who haven't gotten there yet that the trauma behind the PTSD will release its grip. Not as fast as we'd like, but it will happen. Thanks for the encouragement.



You have experienced some tremendous growth, @parus. You are a wonderful example to the Connect family of taking care of yourself and diligence in not allowing yourself to be a victim!

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@hopeful33250 Aww shucks and thank you. You are always kind and encouraging. As @jimhd stated. PTSD is always there. I was working with a therapist for a while and found that I was bored. Not a good thing. Therapists are also a trigger and my goal was to try and work through thus. She believes I have. I know better. Truthfully, I received more help here at Connect. I do not trust therapists and doubtful I can ever overcome it being a trigger. So best thing to do is close the door and not go back to keep my integrity intact.
So, yes dear one, I have made progress. Also feels good to be honest. I do miss feasting at the cyber table more regularly. I see how many here have grown and it places a smile on my heart. ARGH, there I go getting "sappy" again. Hugs.


Thank you so much for these numbers. I am feeling at the top of my game again but from experience I know we can never be to careful. Having resources readily available is never a bad idea. I am pretty much in this alone. I live in the country and being very private I prefer not to be social with my neighbors,Everyone pretty much minds their own business. I've lived her for 19 years and have never met the folks down the road. My granddaughter and her family live about 15 minutes away but haven't even called to see if I was ok. so I can't really depend on them, my grandson lives in Va. about 45 minutes away and the same goes for him. My son lives about 20 miles away but he is suffering from mental health issues and has come a long way, I am so proud of him for following through with the program he is involved in. It would take him too long to get here and I don't want to do anything that would interfere with his recovery. I did call him to come make his friend leave and it bothered him alot. I have been alone in my recovery even years ago so I an not encouraged to involve anyone else. I feel totally in control now, I have no fear, and am again comfortable in my own home. But this has shown me that PTSD can raise it;s ugly head at any time. This was my first set back in over 20 years of recovery. I feel good about the way I handled it and I do intend to follow through with my Dr. at our appointment next week. This site has breathed fresh air into me when I needed it. I am still amazed at how much it has helped me. I will remember this experience for years to come. I think I just might hang around on here and see if I can be a part of helping someone else. I am home again.

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@jeanie26 Something I have learned is not to rely on family for support. I hear of such things. Mayhap this is why there is a place like Connect. I know the feeling of having that breath of fresh air. This is an amazing place. Thankful you found us.


@hopeful33250 Aww shucks and thank you. You are always kind and encouraging. As @jimhd stated. PTSD is always there. I was working with a therapist for a while and found that I was bored. Not a good thing. Therapists are also a trigger and my goal was to try and work through thus. She believes I have. I know better. Truthfully, I received more help here at Connect. I do not trust therapists and doubtful I can ever overcome it being a trigger. So best thing to do is close the door and not go back to keep my integrity intact.
So, yes dear one, I have made progress. Also feels good to be honest. I do miss feasting at the cyber table more regularly. I see how many here have grown and it places a smile on my heart. ARGH, there I go getting "sappy" again. Hugs.

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I'm so glad that you posted again and that you shared how much Connect has benefited you, @parus. Being sappy is just fine with me😀


Hi @jeanie26, I'm so glad that you shared your story with all of us here. It does help to share with others who "have been there" and who get it. I'm sorry that this new situation has caused you to be fearful again and to experience PTSD. I'm not a counselor, but part of me thinks your reaction IS your strength, not a weakness. Your intelligence and your entire body reaction helped you make the right decision 1) to ask the man to leave and 2) to get help from your son when the man returned and 3) to reach out to talk to someone like the members of this community.

It won't take you 20 years to get back to the place where you feel safe and to have control again. It may not even take 20 days. You know the path to get there and you will walk it again. There are fewer obstacles to overcome this time and we're beside you.

But, as others have suggested, you need to put things in place for your security and for potential setbacks which may happen at any time of day. In those times, it is good to have a list of numbers to call for any type of emergency or crisis, whether you are afraid for your safety or if you need to talk with someone.

To talk with a trained counselor:
The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 am–6 pm, ET.
1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Or you can text NAMI to 741-741
Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message

See this webpage by NAMI that lists a variety of help lines

Create a list on paper. Have the numbers in your phone for quick dial. Whatever works best for you.
Here's a list I might recommend:
- 911
- NAMI 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
- NAMI text
- Your son's contact info
- Your closest neighbor
- A friend
- National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call 800-799-SAFE (7233)

What other things would you like to have around you to help you regain your control and feel safe? What would you add to the list?

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Counselors are great but people in my situation need immediate healthcare. I was raped years ago and had his child he brcame med student and made threats to damage my intestines and give me the needle. Him and his cohorts did this to me and I need ER medical or he and his family will get away with murder. Since he related to powerful people I am stopped from access to everything. He can even do healthcare fraud and gets cops and doctors to help harm me alter my records. I have multiple parasites hookworm tapeworm possibly heven hydtid cysts and doctors here deliberately are helping him to murder me because his families lies and many cohorts. If you find my situation unbelievable please visit. My hair is now falling out possibly from his last scheme.


All my hair fell out his family keeps getting people to do healthcare fraud.


All my hair fell out his family keeps getting people to do healthcare fraud.

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Tapeworm these are migrating umbilocus liver extremities legs are breasts etc..


Hookworm this one I was able to remove on my own.


These are "imaginary" ignored on purpose.

***Note from the Community Director****
The images posted in this discussion were removed for fear that they may be a PTSD trigger for the members participated in this discussion.

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