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Being Old With Chronic Pain plus Loneliness

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Apr 5, 2022 | Replies (192)

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The pain is so severe today. Can only do the best I can to ride it out. Doctor in the morning. Dubious as to any answers. Very discouraged and so alone in all of this struggle. Sorry for others adrift on the chronic pain boat. Has to be some kind of answer-surely there must be. Crying surely does not help.

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Replies to "The pain is so severe today. Can only do the best I can to ride it..."

@parus - pain is unfair and indiscriminate, and for some, it never seems to stop. Relief comes to some extent from time to time. It's kind of nice to hear from someone once in awhile who finds resolution to their pain. I know that having a spinal cord stimulator implant gave me a lot of relief, but it's still not a 100% answer. When I get discouraged, I can remember how I felt before the implant. I can also read posts here and realize how fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am. In a perfect world, there would be a cure for every disease, a pill for every pain, immediate access to competent care, instant diagnoses (correct ones), and no stress. The only place I can think of that comes close to that ideal is heaven, and living there is always preceded by death. But at least there is that to look forward to. It's the only thing that gives me hope when I feel hopeless.

I often wonder what gives hope and a reason to keep going to others with chronic pain. Maybe some who read this will share what helps them.


I love your description of a perfect world. Were that it was. Especially immediate access to appropriate care. Sounds like I'm not the only one who has such a hard time with doctors and insurance! All of the providers who were able to help me have retired. Finding new ones, who I like and am comfortable with, has proved to be just about impossible. The new primary physician had me in tears during our first visit. No smiles, inaccurate information, etc.

I'm sorry - went off on a tangent. What I wanted to address was hope and a reason to keep going. Hope just seems to glimmer from self-talk, prayer, and learning as much as I can. It comes and goes, tho. I have depression, I think everyone with chronic pain does. Between the pain and inability to be productive, it's hard to maintain happiness. I think the answer is people. I try to stay in touch with old friends, make new ones, even though not often in person. Even this website helps. People are a reason to keep going, as are pets. I lost my Toby dog at 16 last Christmas and miss him terribly. He cheered me up and I would like to adopt another but can no longer afford it. Medicare has just kicked in and reduced my SS. I am grateful for what I have, but circumstances beyond my control, including my health, have altered my finances drastically.

So, more tangents, I'm sorry. I hope you have more responses from others cheerier than I. I try to avoid negativity (negative people, the news), help people when I can, read a lot, try to get out in nature. Thank all of you who remain hopeful and carry on.

Hi, @paracat - Have you found a good pcp Yet? I hope you have been able to find a decent one who has some sort of semblance of human compassion. Have you looked him or her up on a website such as Vitals? You'd be doing a service to others looking for a doctor they can trust if you would post a comment about how you were mistreated. I have been helped in finding a doctor by doing the research online. Vitals, GoogleScholar, Lifescripts are 3 I know. I think if more of us spoke up we could help prevent others from being hurt.


Hi, Jim. Hope you're feeling better today. I'd done what you suggested, looking up the doctor - unfortunately, after my visit. Not impressive. I left my comments for the very reason you suggested. I see him again tomorrow, possibly for the last time depending on how things go. My depression seems to be getting worse daily, despite being on antidepressants. Time for a change I guess. I had an appt. with a good psychologist who helped me before, but she just cancelled, saying she's too busy. I would think she, of all people, would realize how fragile her patients are.

I agree completely, @paracat - a psychologist saying she's too busy? How caring is that! I hope there's someone else you can see. I've never had one tell me that. I've seen a parade of therapists, and I can't think of one I didn't like. Each one has had a hand in keeping me alive and somewhat sane.

Maybe the doctor will surprise you today. I hope so. Let us know how it goes.


I have tried everything I have read about with claims of the one thing that will heal you and for sure get rid of pain. All the positive testimonys that that are reported are making me angry because they don't work for me. How is it even possible that 25 creams 20 medications even stem cell have not worked for me. Is everyone lying. I am not a person that has no hope but I say when Lord is it my turn to have a day without pain? I hope to hear of someone that has been healed of pain from any source. My pain comes from osteoarthritis of knees and back. The first treatment I tried was to put a bar of soap in your bed at night. My two friends that are nurses told me this worked for them. My last information is to wrap aluminum around my feet at bedtime. In between was all the ways to be pain free and backed by scientific proof and information that sounded acceptable in the scientific world. I just read about Dr Koops remedy for healing chronic pain. I have 5 books I have not read because the print is rather small but I will check them out and try harder. Maybe in those books I will find an answer. If others can be free of chronic pain, so can we. I never give up in the midst of this adversity and I will keep on looking and hopefully I will have my answer to prayer. Don't give up and I will share with you all if I find a healing remedy that is worth sharing. Bless you all and prayers to deliver you from the pain that envelopes you. Kate N

If something sounds too good to be true...

There are likely some types of pain from which there is no relief. At times I keep going because I am mule-headed. I am not having physical pain. This pain is not real and I shall overcome-or not. Anger can be a positive motivator at times. Then there is the aftermath to deal with. I have had so much trouble with medications that I am dreadfully fearful of trying another. I abhor disappointment and the feeling I have failed because what helps others harms me.
Not much help here.


Would you tell us more about what medications you've tried? I take a few for periodic low back pain and peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet, and had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June last year. It's really helped. Different meds work for different people. I use a prescription lidocaine cream on my feet at bedtime when they are hurting. It numbs the pain long enough to get to sleep.

I hope you find something that helps you.
