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Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Healthy Living | Last Active: Jan 29, 2023 | Replies (499)

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I should have mentioned for the anti-yeast diet, no fermented cheeses only fresh, like American or Mozzarella. Aged cheese has mold. Just like peanuts can carry mold, but walnuts are ok.
The Crook diet is very simple, few choices. Yes for me just smelling a glazed donuts would make me crazy. This diet is not easy at first. After a month it gets easier.
Think of folks getting off heroin or nicotine. If they can stay away from these addictions, you can deprive yourself of your sugar and carb addiction.

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Replies to "I should have mentioned for the anti-yeast diet, no fermented cheeses only fresh, like American or..."

@gardenjunkie thanks I do both cheeses but also gouda so I,ll google the diet.How are you doing?